Chapter 6

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I couldn't think of a title for this chapter oh well!

I will be using a bit of language so if you do not want to see it, I will make an update next chapter

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I opened the door expecting to see Aaron but it wasn't.  It was Creg.

"Creg wtf!!!  What are you doing here??". He looked mad.  I stroked his arm before he slapped it away.  I noticed he had flowers.

"Here take these god damn flowers!  Their no good now!"  He stormed off.

"Creg wait!  What the hell is going on?!?!". He got into his car and turned on the engine.  Then I realized.  I'm all dressed up and when. opened the door, I started to say "Hey Aaron.". Crap.

I tried calling Creg but he just ignored me.  I have to wait a whole week to talk to him now.  I feel like shit to be honest.  I mean my boyfriend came to surprise me and here I am getting ready to go on a date.  I mean when I graduate, I have to drop someone.  I have to decide if I want to live on as Charlotte or Ivory.

Me and Kari waited for hours.  It was 1 in the morning before we got ready for bed.  I can't believe he blew me off!  I mean I deserve it but he doesn't know what went on!  I cried for about an hour before I fell asleep.  My whole life is crumbling before my eyes.

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Aarons POV

She was going to ditch me.  She was going on another date!! 

I was walking to her house bc I didn't want her dad to be mad if I came with a car so I decided that I would just park a few houses down.  No biggie.  But here I was with flowers in my hand in her lawn when I see a guy dressed in a suit with flowers standing in front of the door.  And there she is opening the door in a dress.  I dropped the flowers and walked off.  Bitches now of days cheating right and left.

I wasn't going back to her house or to her.  She first of all doesn't trust me and then she goes out on another date?!?  I'm done with all this rich white girl shit.  I don't understand why guys like them.  Their bitches.

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Ivorys POV

"Hey Iv are you okay?  You skipped the morning meeting?". Karentine was walking with me as I neared my class room.

"Yeah I'm fine.  Just feel like crap.  Why would Aaron blow me off like that?"  She shook her head as I headed into class.  This day is going to be awful I predict.

At lunch I sat quietly, not eating a dime.  I was so broken.  I didn't even love him.  Maybe because I lost two guys last night.  I don't know what did it, I was just broken that's all I know.

"He's coming over here.  Maybe he is going to apologize or explain!" Karentine whispered into my ear.  I looked around and was happy to know he was coming and he was getting close.

He smirked at me as he walked right past me to one of the cheerleaders Destiny.

"Hey babe.  Wanna go out tonight?  Maybe to a movie, all alone, we could have some fun in an empty theatre!". She giggled and twirled her hair.  As she nodded, the tears started welling up in my eyes.  He was killing me and he knew it.  But why?  I don't know.

I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the cafeteria crying.  Why the hell would he do this to me??

Once I got to the bathroom, I let it all out.  The tears ruined my mascara but I didn't care.  He hurt me.  And in front of my own friends?  That bitch.  I slammed the stall when a girl walks in.  I hadn't met her before.

"Sweetie?  Are you okay?". It was a sweet voice.  I walked out of the stall to see a girl with blonde hair in a sweet little dress.  She looked worried.  I stood there for a second before running into her open arms.  I told her everything that was going on and I mean everything.  She understood and we became friends.  Really good friends too.

Her name was Carissa and turns out, we have a ton of classes together!  We sat next to each other in every class we could.  She was awesome.

*     *     *     *     *

The final bell rang as the entire school scrambled to get out of the building.  As I walked to meet Claudia, I see Aaron.  He was slouched against a pole texting.  He looked up and we both caught each others eyes.  I broke the stare and kept walking.  I didn't want to get hurt even more.  I managed to get away before the tears started rolling.  That's when I felt a hand on my back.

"What did I do to make you cry?  I only did what you did to me!". He sounded hurt, yet mad.

"Aaron what are you talking about?  I did nothing to you!  You are the one who left me waiting for hours at my house!  You're the one who straight up asked a girl to have sex with you right in front of my f√©#!#g face!  And you say I did something to you??!?!  Well you are screwed up in your head because I didn't do crap!". I realized I was screaming at him and who all was left at school was staring.  But I don't care.  I was hurting. 

He remained silent for so long that I turned to walk away.  I was done with him.  He grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Ivory you were going on another date!!  I saw you stroking that guys arm!  He had flowers and was dressed up.  You were cheating on me!". He was mad too.  I really wanted to kiss him.  Have this hot mad angry kiss.  I stared into his eyes before yelling back.

"He was my ex boyfriend who was upset!!!!  He wanted to get back together but I said no!  He had just asked out this girl who threw her food all over him to prove her point for gods sake!  I was comforting him!". He all of the sudden kissed me.  Hard.  It was full of passion and anger.  I kissed back as the tears rolled down our faces.  Yes ours.  He was crying too.  It was perfect!

My dream boy kissing me with all he has!!  It was perfect.  When we broke the kiss, he turned to me and said, "That's all I needed." Before kissing me again and walking off.

He dropped a piece of paper on the ground for me.  I opened it and read that there was going to be a date in two weeks when I'm back.

The Two Sides Of Ivory Charlotte Blake *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now