5: Ella

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Picture of Jason to side>>>

Maybe I'm just overreacting. I'm sure it's just a coincidence and the SUV might just belong to one of my neighbors. But my gut tells me I'm wrong. Without thinking, I turn left, passing my street. Where the hell am I going? I decide to stop and get coffee or something. My goal is to not show the car where I live, just in case. I'm never this paranoid but then again I usually don't have crazy amnesia and buzzard flashbacks. I head to the café but right as I arrive, I see that same SUV... Panic strikes me full speed. I grab my stuff, turn off the car, and grab my keys. I take off sprinting full speed. I lock the car as I run to the cvs just down the road. I step into the store and scan around. There's a back exit I can take! I slip to the back and step out the door, immediately I am met by blinding headlights. This. Can't. Be. Happening. Why me? What have I done? I try to open the door again but it had locked behind me. Oh fuck, oh fuck! The passenger side door begins to open but the headlights in my eyes reveal only a silhouette of a person. A very, very large person. I start to bang on the door, begging- no praying-, that someone will open it. Whoever is up there I owe my life to because the door bursts open and I jump inside. The door slams before a large pair of hands can reach it. I click the lock into place and collapse against the door. Only then do I look up at my savior.

"Oh fuck," I reply as I'm met face to face with none other than Jason.

"Who the hell was that?" He demanded. His voice was actually quiet and serious, a first for him.

"I-I don't k-know-w" I stutter. I'm too scared to speak.

"C'mon, I'll drive you to your car," he helps me up and catches my arm as I slip, unable to balance on my shaky legs. "Woah, careful there."

I have never seen him be so nice... It's weird. I feel like any second now he will drop me and walk away laughing. I don't trust the kid.

"M-my car is over there," I point to the parking lot.

"Not to tell you what to do or anything, but you don't look like you could even get the door open. I'll give you a ride home,"

"How do I know if they're gone... They followed me home," I reply.

"How long till anyone gets back home at your house?"

"Umm, maybe another hour or two,"

"Come home with me and I'll take you back to your car when it's time," his tone is more bossy but still not mean. I can tell it's an order not a question so I just nod.

His house is set back behind a retail center. He said he lives with his mom and little sister. It's funny to imagine Jason having a family. Usually I just think of him as an asshole. I take a seat at the counter, feeling slightly awkward. He slides a glass of something towards me and I examine it carefully.

"Plain soda," I jump at his voice breaking the silence and can't help but smirk as he chuckles at my nerves. "Haha. Just try to relax."

He nods to a sofa and I walk over and sit. I'm not gonna lie, it's so comfy. I think I could fall asleep. My eyelids start to close... I think I'm falling as--...

"Ella, babe, it's been an hour. Do you need to go home?" A face is leaning over me as my eyes focus. Wait where am I? Oh right... I remember and jump up in shock. This of course manages to make me lose my balance and fall off the couch.

I let out as gasp as I brace for the floor but it never comes. Instead, strong arms save me yet again.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry," I stammer, all flustered and embarrassed.

"It's cool. I know you're stressed right now," he says with a softer smirk than his usual one.

"Thanks for everything..." I lean to hug him but he turns his head at the last second and leans in, lips meeting mine. I'm so surprised. I wasn't seeing that coming. But despite my confusion, my body gives. I kiss him back both our movements become more frantic, more wanting. A gasp escapes my lips as he turns his head to trail kisses and small nips down the side if my neck. Oh it feels so good... I remember that I have to get home and reluctantly pull away.

Ella StolenWhere stories live. Discover now