17: Ella

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I am sitting on the couches with Zach. I'm honestly just confused as hell. I'm still pissed that I'm stuck here but a small part of me feels kinda happy here. I know these people, or used too, and I feel like I need to remember for them. They scare me, I mean, a gang... How likely is it that I die before I can get out of here? Zach seems to care for me but what happens if I just can't remember? He will be mad. I can't run because he can always catch me and if he does, what will the punishment be? He seems nice till I try to leave. Would I die? Would he never let me go? I don't want to imagine.

I hear stories of the violence in the city. Deaths, shootings, torture, blood spilled, I don't want to be a part of that. But his touch just feels right to me. Like now that I have felt it again, I don't want to let it go. Then there's age... I'm seventeen while he is twenty something. My ideas of life are so different. They are all older than me. Zee is eighteen already. She wants me to visit when this is done but I don't think I fit in.

I bring the lighthearted side of things. They think of territory and guns while I play around like manhunt. Maybe there is a balance but my world is clothing and homework and boys and school. Reality hasn't hit me yet. It's like I'm tossing a coin to see what I will feel. Do I want to fit into my new life or go back to some twisted old one? Then where does the accident fit in? What did Zach do? Before I make up my mind I need to know. For now I just keep floating and see how stuff goes. I can almost picture the headlines back home: Ella stolen.

The main door opens and the rest of the group walks in. The dealer guy, Marco, drops a couple bags on the table. Oh shit is that what I think it is? Sweet. Mitch drops down a couple packs of beer and some whiskey and liquor. The group gathers around with some cheers. Zee and Mac come in from their room. I can tell he has already been drinking. Zee grabs a bottle of jack and jumps to a couch. She takes a huge gulp and laughs. I remember her being a hell of a drinker. Mac follows with just a beer. She kisses him in between sips. Eww. Mitch and Jared have straight up rum in one hand and a joint in the other. Dude this is crazy!

Smells of smoke and booze fill the air, it's amazing. I go to high school parties all the time but this feels different. This feels like it's part of their life, not just trying to look cool. Mitch acts different. He's in the corner with his own stuff. I don't see weed but I see a flash of metal. With a second glance I make out a syringe. Oh my god he's shooting something up. Not gonna lie, that's a bit scary. I can't watch as he puts it to his skin. I jerk away and my sudden movement catches Zach's attention. He looks at me and realization crosses his face. He glared at Marco but he's too high to notice. Zach stands and signals me to follow. He walks to the kitchen. I follow behind.

"I'm sorry, didn't know they were gonna do this with you here. They will be done soon but let's just take the edge off things," he grabs a bottle of liquor and lifts me onto the counter. "Here." He pours a little into my mouth and waits to see if I can get it down.

"It's all good, I'm used to this stuff," I swallow down the booze. Fire spreads through my throat, leaving a trail of warmth behind. He smiles as I get it all down. I'm pretty sure the me that Zach knew didn't party like this. I grab another vodka bottle knowing I will drink it. I just have to take a sip and enjoy the comforting buzz. I just twist off the cap and wait for Zach to grab a bottle of whiskey. He puts his arm around my waist and guides me to the couch we were on earlier.

Here goes nothing. Like most the guys, I'm alternating between a joint and a drink. My gaze spots Mac and Zee are making out with her clothes slowly forming a pile on the floor. No one cares that she's just in her bra. No one seems to even notice so I just look away. Josh is laying on a sofa with glassy eyes. Marco mumbles a song to himself. Zach's getting pretty drunk and it's clear that his boundaries are down as he slides a hand to my ass. I know my logic is screaming to get his hands off me but my body is begging for more. It's all good right?

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