12: Ella

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My dreams were filled with running. The terror I was feeling, the pain, that sinking feeling of helplessness as the man pinned me to the ground. I screamed as loud as I could but he covered my mouth. I tossed and turned and tried to break free. He was strong. It was like he could predict my every move. I wanted to scream, cry, run but I was stuck. He was so much bigger and stronger than me. I tried to bite his hand and I heard him cuss under his breath. What was he going to do to me? He jerked my wrists back and cold metal trapped them in place. My arms were stuck but I kept kicking. I almost knocked him over but the other guy stopped his fall. I was freaking out as pure terror stopped my breathing and chilled me to the bone. Was I going to die?

They said something about a car. The one carrying me turned me around and I saw none other than that black SUV that I have learned to fear. Another man pulled out a rag. There was something on it. Oh no... He pressed it to my face. The scent that managed to drift into my nose made my head dizzy. I knew what this was, it would put me to sleep. The man's large hand covered both my mouth and my nose completely. I tried not to breathe it in but the one holding me kept me pinned to it. The world spun around me as my lungs searched and screamed for oxygen. There was no way I could keep holding my breath, everything was starting shifting and swirl. Finally, I caved and sucked in a large breath, knowing what it would do. The last thing I saw was the car door . Pink and blue danced on my vision. Colorful. One of the men pulled me close and held me up when I started to sway. My eyes closed... Blackness.

I open my eyes slowly. The world comes into focus with each blink. I look around me just to realize I have no idea where I am. The walls and floors are concrete. There's a wooden table and stool in the corner and a small cot. I feel this tug in my mind and for once, I am a hundred percent sure I have been here before. Then I see the bars. The past few days come back to mind and I feel panic rush in when I remember the attack. Then I hear voices. They sound familiar. I listen closely to barely make out what they're saying.

"Fuck her!" One deep voice screams.

"Show--- who's boss!" Another says with a laugh. That's it, I loose it. I want to go home. What am I here? Someone get me out of here!!! Is this where I'm gonna die? I'm too young to die! There's so much more I wanted to do with my life. What will my mom and Chelsea think? It's all too much. I hear the loudest scream I have ever heard split through the silence around me. It takes me a second before I realize that scream is coming from me. Footsteps come rushing towards me, growing louder and louder. Shit! I should have stayed quiet till I found a way out. Now it's too late. I'm shaking from fear but I try to move and get free when I feel wires cut into the soft flesh of my wrists. I hiss from the pain. I'm trapped.

I try to gain some composure before I look into the eyes of my captor. I'm pretty surprised to see a guy standing there. He looks to be in his early twenties with medium skin color that's like a light brown or a dark tan color. I would say that he's mixed based on his darker skin and dark brown hair in a buzz cut. I almost do a double take when I take in his very muscular build and broad shoulders. He's tall too, probably 6'4. The sad part is that if I glanced at him on the street, I would have thought he's hot. But here it's a completely different story seeing him while I'm locked in a cell with him coming to kill me or worse. Right now I just want to kill him.

He walks to the bars, dangling the keys in his hands. I'm screwed, he's coming for me. I toss and turn hoping, no begging, for the wire to snap. It cuts deeper into my sliced up skin. I try to stand just to find that my ankles are tied together too. The wire won't snap, it's just too thick. The door clicks as it's opened and I brace myself as he walks over to me. He reaches for me slowly as if I'm a cornered animal. I try to pull away from his touch but there's no where I can go. He brushes the hair out of my face with surprising softness. I want to get away. If I can't, I want it over with fast.

Ella StolenWhere stories live. Discover now