15: Zach

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Everything is finally quiet as I lay in my room about to sleep. I pull my shirt over my head and throw it to the floor. There's a loud clunk as my shirt hits my CD stack. That reminds me that I made a new CD earlier. I pick it up from where I knocked it over and toss it in the ever growing pile to upload later. Music's like an old friend, it was always there for me. There at the very top of the pile is the mix Ella made me. It's on a flash drive, unlike the rest, and had all my favorites on the little pink drive. She chose the color as a joke. I lay down and close my eyes.

Perfect silence. Then I hear the screams... I dive from my bed and stumble into the hall, grabbing my gun on the way. Is someone in here? I panic and follow the sound. Ella! I reach the bars to see her shaking and tossing on the ground. Her screams are high and shrill. She clenches her arm so hard it bleeds. I hurry to unlock the door and run into the cell. I'm not sure how to get her calm so I just reach out and shake her. Her eyes are closed and I think she's dreaming... She won't wake up. This is crazy.

"Shhhhh Ella, shhhhhh. I'm here," it's worth taking a risk on how much she remembers because saying that used to always calm her down. She stills a little. I push the hair from her eyes gently and tuck it behind her ear. She starts to wake and looks up at me. Her hazel eyes widen in surprise.

"You were screaming. Come here I won't hurt you, I promise. Okay?" I scoop her up. She's so small in my arms, barely weighs anything. I'm taking a big risk but I carry her down the hall and to my room. She doesn't protest at all which really surprises me. I set her down on the bed as gently as I can. She's wearing more of Zee's stuff, this time some shorts and a quite nice sports bra. Damn. I climb in beside her and make sure she's warm. I wrap my arms around her and she curls up against me. It feels amazing to have her close. She falls asleep peacefully and I follow soon after.

When I wake, Ella is still there in my arms. She is looking out the window an I find myself doing the same. The forest is so dense and lush greens full the space. It's kinda cool. Ella looks at me and smiles. Yes, smiles. Am I still dreaming? I pull her against me again. She's warm and her skin is so soft. I want to hold her against me forever. I want to keep her little body safe from the world. I want to be the one to help her whenever something bad happens. It should be me keeping her safe, not some weak ass high school kid. I can't keep her though. She isn't some toy. I just can't let go yet.

I think of the wall in the courtyard, the first place I saw her. She tried to climb over it to get inside the box. That's how I knew she was curious like Me. She was fast too. She was at the top of the wall in a second and swung over without a sound. However, there was one tricky grasp. I was sitting under the big tree in the courtyard. I called to her telling her to go a little to the left and accidentally scared the shit out of her. She fell at least ten feet but I caught her right before she could hit the ground. She was fourteen. I was seventeen but something about her... We both needed a safe place and I guess that's what the Box was. Back then we were in the same place but now she's way better off then I am. As much as I wish it wasn't true, she had reason to leave. But here and now I don't want to let her go yet.

Ella sighs and stretches out. I push another strand of hair out of her face and sit up. I pull her onto my lap and hold her close. I'm sure she will push me away but to my surprise, she leans in. She looks down with a sleepy look. I put my head on her shoulder from behind. I want to pull her in, kiss her, touch her but I know to wait. I move my arms from around her and put one arm behind me, the other I use to touch her thigh. Tracing patterns that I know make her ticklish. I want to hear her laugh and sure enough she giggles.

After a minute or two, I pick Ella up and carry her to the bathroom. I set her down on a stool and head for the sink. She sits there, gently playing with her hair. With a twist, the shower starts up and I just wait for the water to warm up. Ella's old stuff is in one drawer under the sink, maybe she'll recognize that it's hers. She seems to recognize it just fine and picks up the brush. That's a victory, she knows some stuff now. I step around the wall to the shower again and slide off my shorts. I feel like I'm dipping a toe into water to test how cold it is... I don't know how far I should push Ella, I don't want her to freak out or be scared away. Hah that's funny since I was fucking stupid and basically kidnapped her.

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