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When it comes to sleeping, you and Ashton always fall asleep in one position and wake still in that same position. Your bodies are always facing each other, your head nestled into his neck and his hands wrapped securely around your waist. Under the covers your legs are intertwined and your bodies fit perfectly together, kind of like two puzzle pieces that were made for one another. Yours and Ashton's sleeping position never changes, he loves making you feel safe in his arms by holding you like this in your sleep and then when you two wake you are in the perfect position for morning kisses and cuddles.


Sleep time only means one thing for you and Calum, and that's spooning. Calum is always the big spoon and you are always the little spoon although you never complain because you love sleeping in his arms. Calum will bury his face into the back of your neck, often pressing small kisses against it or humming the tune of your favourite song until he knows you're asleep. His arm rests over your small frame and your hands are always held tightly together even if when you both wake up you find yourselves in a completely different position, his arm is always securely around your waist.


Either You or Luke will often fall asleep to the sound of the others voice, whether it be while telling a story, whispering sweet nothings or singing. Luke will lay on his back and you will snuggle into his side, your arm slung across his body and tracing small patterns on his chest. Luke will twirl his fingers through your hair and have his other hand securely wrapped around you. You and Luke stay like this for the whole night, bodies touching and your legs wrapped with his, neither of you barely moving until it's time to get up.


When the time came for you and Michael to sleep it wasn't usually until early hours of the morning, so you both didn't really have a set sleeping position but you always made sure that your bodies were touching somehow. Sometimes you guys would spoon, sometimes you guys would cuddle with your bodies facing towards each other but your favourite is when your whole body is basically fully on top of Michael's. You'll lie across his stomach on your stomach, his arms are wrapped tightly around your waist and your legs are a tangled mess. In the morning, you would still be in the same position from the night before but you usually found Michael's hands gone from around your waist, his fingers running through your hair instead.

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