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Luke: Grabbing the back of your daughter's diaper, you were able to successfully stop her from running out towards the stage towards her father again. "Kelsey, stop it, you can't let daddy see you yet!" She turned to you. "Daddy!" You nod. "I know you want to see him, but you just have to wait, okay?" She pouted and sat down and you poked her stomach, making her giggle. "That's my baby girl!" "No baby!" she says then holds up two fingers. "I two!" You grin at her as you hear laughter from behind you. "My baby girl is two already, no way!" Kelsey stands up and runs to hug Luke's leg. "Daddy!" He lifts her up and gives her a tight squeeze. "Hey baby girl, i missed you!" She kissed his nose. "I miss you more!" "You did? Really?" She squealed then pointed to you. "Mommy miss you!" Luke looked at you. "You missed me too?" You grin. "Yeah, so did the new baby! Been kicking ever since we arrived, wanna feel?" Luke grinned like an idiot as he placed his free hand on your growing baby belly. "Wow, just as amazing the second time around!" You nod. "Yeah, this time it's a boy though!" "It is?" You nod and give him a sweet kiss. "Surprise!"

Michael: "Allie, Eric, get back here!" You snap as you chase your twin three year olds around backstage. "You can't run around or the surprise for daddy will be ruined!" they both stopped and looked at you. "No surprise?" Eric asked and you nod. "If you keep running around, but if you stay still and stay with me, then there can still be a surprise, okay?" The twins nodded and each took one of your hands as you walked back to the side of the stage to wait for the end of the concert to arrive. Once it did though, the guys quickly ran off stage and right past you. At first you were shocked, til you heard footsteps retreat quickly back to where you were. Then Michael was there and the twins squealed. "Daddy!" He opened up his arms for them to jump into, and he quickly stood. "I didn't know you were coming!" You giggled. "That's the whole point of a surprise, Michael, you're not supposed to know about it, plus, it was the kids' idea, not mine!" He looked at each of them. "It was your idea?" They nodded. "You surprised daddy?" Allie asked and Michael kissed her cheek. "I'm very surprised! Now come on, let's go see your Uncles, yeah?"

Calum: The security let you and your three month old son in quickly and you soon had a pair of sound proof headphones for your son. You made your way backstage, doing your best to keep your son quiet so that you could still be able to surprise Calum for his birthday. You ran into Luke on the way. "Where's Calum?" you ask and Luke grins. "In the dressing room with the other guys, too many girls outside for us to leave. Why are you here though?" he asks taking your son from you so you could stretch your arms. "Planning on surprising Calum for his birthday, you think he'll be okay that i brought Isaac here?" Luke grinned and handed you back your son. "He'll be very happy, he's been kind of bummed without the two of you anyways, come on, i'll show you." You nod and follow Luke through the halls before stopping at a door that had a sign saying '5SOS'. Luke opens the door for you and you walk in and of course that is when your son decided to make his appearance known by wailing like crazy. You immediately tried to hush him, but it was no use, he already had Calum's attention and he smiled when he saw you guys. "You're here!" he says pulling you in for a hug, being careful not to crush your son, who he took into his own arms. "My little boy is already getting so big!" You nod. "Yeah, he's gonna be a big boy!" Calum grinned at you. "Just like me!"

Ashton: Being pregnant for the second time while going around with your five year old daughter was crazy and the craziest part of it all was you were trying to do it unnoticed so that you could surprise your husband while he was on his American tour. The trip backstage had you wobbling behind your daughter who tried to rush ahead, but was stopped by a figure. She looked up, getting ready to apologise, when she saw that it was Ashton. "Daddy!" she screamed and reached for him to pick her up, which he did. "How is my baby Leslie doing?" She clapped her hands. "I missed you daddy!" He kissed her cheek. "I missed you more baby girl!" Then he looked up at you. "You look miserable baby, i'm sorry!" you shake your head. "Don't worry about it, Ash, the baby will be here soon and i'll be okay then!" "Are you sure?" he asks, hugging you and pressing his forehead to yours. "It's gonna be a crazy life, but i can't wait to have my three girls to come home too!" You laugh then and Ashton looks at you funny. "What? What did i say wrong?" You put your hands up in defense. "Nothing, it's just you're going to be coming home to three girls and one boy!" He looked at you funny before you clarified it up for him. "Ashton, we're having twins! One boy and one girl!" Leslie clapped her hand again. "Surprised daddy?" Ashton grinned then. "Very surprised, Leslie, and very happy!"

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