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Calum: Just a simply night in for the two of you, as your baby was due at any time which had both you and Calum on high alert. "Feeling anything?" he asks halfway through the movie, his hand resting on the side of your belly. You shake your head with a smile and rest your head on his shoulder. "Nothing, yet, i have a feeling it's gonna be soon though." "You really think so?" Calum asks, a smile curving upon his lips. You nod and sit up as a sharp pain courses through you, Calum sits up with you. "You okay? You were fine just a moment ago." You gasp for air as you put a hand on your lower back. "Calum, we need to go to the hospital now, my water just broke and is now dripping down my legs. Let's go." Calum didn't bother question you, just helped you get your bags together and get you to the car and on the way to the hospital.

Luke: It was currently the middle of the night, you were having a peaceful dream, a lovely dream about you and your husband, reliving your honeymoon, that was, until you were rudely awoken due to a pain in your lower abdomen. As you opened your eyes and the sights around you became clearer, the pain became worse, so you did the one thing you knew would work. Waking up your husband. "Luke?" you nudged him and he groaned, rolling over away from you. "LUKE!" you scream, this time in too much pain to nudge him, he turns around on you and cracks one eye open. "What?" You start to cry as the pain was just that terrible and look down. "LUKE GET YOUR GOD DAMN LAZY ASS UP, I'M IN LABOR!" He shot up out of the bed, his eyes now wide and open, shock and panic filing them. You nod as you hold your stomach. "Yeah, i'm sure, hospital now, Luke!"

Ashton: "Don't you think she should have made her appearance by now, (YN)?" your husband Ashton asked as the two of you were taking a walk around the studio as Ashton was taking a lunch break. You shrug your shoulders. "She'll come when she wants to come, Ash!" "She should have been here three days ago though." he says, in clear need of wanting to see his daughter and know that she was okay. "Ashton, relax everything will be okay. She's fine and so am i." Ashton sets you down on a couch and sits next to you. "I just want to meet her." "I can tell." He began to play pretend drums on his legs and soon you put your hand on his to stop the movement. "What'd i do wrong?" you grasp onto his hand. "Ashton, my water just broke." "So that means..." "Yes Ashton, we get to meet our little girl, now go say bye bye to the boys and let's go to the hospital." Ashton laughed. "The boys can wait, let's just go to the hospital!"

Michael: The guys were over for one last hurrah before baby Clifford made it's debut. You were upstairs laying down as you weren't feeling the best but you still wanted Michael to have fun with the guys. You wanted him to go out, but he refused so you had the guys come over to your place. After only a short while you began to have pains in your stomach, then you felt the rush of water trickle down your legs. You thought that you'd panic when this moment happened, but instead you were calm, cool, and collected. You grabbed your bags and got as presentable as you could manage before going down the stairs very carefully. At the bottom step, you saw the four of them playing video games, all of their heads shot up once they heard you come down the stairs. Michael's eyes found yours instantly. "Baby time?" you nod, not saying a word and Michael became alert instantly. "Gotta go guys, baby's coming now!"

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