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Ashton: He held the locket in his hands as he surveyed the room in front of him, then his eyes landed on you. He opened the locket even though he already knew that it was you in the picture. He took his seat next to you and gave you a kind smile. "How was prom?" You look up from your book and give him a sad smile. "Fun at first, ended horribly." "How did it end horribly?" You put the bookmark in your book and put it to the side before giving Ashton your full attention. "I lost my locket my father gave me before he went off to war, i'm never going to see that locket again." you mumble, Ashton nods along to your words. "What if someone was able to find it for you, what would you do to that person?" You smile. "If it was a girl, thank her nicely." "If it was a guy?" You smirk. "I'd marry him i think." Ashton smirked at you and held up the locket. "When's our wedding?"

Michael: He went through all your pictures and your contacts, to see if you had anything in common. You were miserable on the other hand without your phone. You waited outside for your friend to pick you up when Michael walked over to you. You smiled politely. "Hi." "Hi, i was wondering if i could ask you a question." "Sure." "Did you lose anything before break?" your jaw dropped. "I lost my phone, but how would you know that i lost something?" "I'm Michael by the way." "(YN)." you say quietly, trying to figure out this Michael guy. "Michael, how do you know that i lost something before break." He smiled at you and fished the phone out of his pocket. "Because, (YN) (YLN), i'm the one who picked it up for you, knowing full well you'd want it back." You smiled gratefully and took the phone and hugged it, making him laugh. "What can i do to thank you?" you ask and he smirks. "Date tonight?" you nod. "Let me call my friend and cancel our plans, i didn't want to go shopping anyways."

Luke: Luke picked up the wallet, and watched as the phone number fell, a sigh fell from his lips as well. "I thought we had something starting, (YN)." a light flashed from behind and he turned, only to be greeted by two shrieks and then the shrieks stopped, and the one figure came closer to him. "Luke? Is that you?" "(YN)?" he asked, blocking the light from blinding his eyes. You shut your flashlight off. "Oh my god, Luke it is you! I'm so sorry, i lost your number, along with my wallet and everything valuable to me!" Luke laughed and handed the wallet to you, his number on the paper on top. "Lucky for you, i tripped over it as i was walking home from practice!" You smiled gratefully, forgetting your friend behind you who laughed. "I was right, (YN), this is a Cinderella situation, minus the searching for you part, you searched and found him instead, a perfect twist in the fairy tale."

Calum: Calum fiddled with the necklace in the classroom the next day and watched as every girl walked in, hiding the necklace from those he knew would only take it for what it was, not what it meant to them, if it meant anything. You took your seat to his left and glanced over and gasped once you saw what was in his hands. He looked at you. "Oh hey, (YN)!" you smiled. "Yeah, Calum, where'd you find that?" He looked at the necklace. "My sister found it in the shower in the gym yesterday, why?" "I lost my diamond necklace that my grandmother just bought for me in there yesterday!" Calum smirked. "Confirm something for me." "What?" "What it says underneath the clasp." "With love nana" you say fast and Calum laughs and hands it over. "There you go, now who's the best boyfriend in the world?" You smirk. "You are, but you didn't know this was mine right away." Calum shrugged. "I do now."

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