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Ashton: "Your drums all aligned and what not, Ash?" you ask coming onto the stage where Ashton was sitting on his seat, softly drumming out a little tune. He nods. "Yeah, sounds good, did you change the faceplate of the drums?" you nod. "Found a new one, luckily for you that is." He smirked. "It's lucky enough for me that i get to have my girlfriend on tour with me." "Only cause i work with you." "My assistant." you laugh. "Your personal assistant that answers to your every whim."

Luke: "(YN), help!" he called and you laughed as you walked out from backstage to where he was sitting at the edge of the stage with his guitar on his lap. "What do you need, Luke? I've got to help set the rest of the stage up." "My string broke, get me a new one?" You sigh and fish one out of your back pocket. "You're lucky i get paid to do this." He laughs. "I'm sorry, i didn't think my string would break." you shake it off. "No big deal, at least i get to spend time with you like a proper girlfriend."

Calum: "Water, boys?" you ask, popping into the dressing room with four water bottles at hand. They all nod and you hand each of them a bottle. "All set for the show then?" you ask and they nod, all resuming whatever they were doing before you entered the room, except for Calum. "I missed you." you smile before pecking his lips. "Missed you too, but unfortunately, duty calls, i've got to go, they need extra help on stage, see you after the show babe."

Michael: "Ashton, do not take your shirt off again, or so help me i will strangle you!" you say as you adjust the jacket on Michael who laughs at your interaction with Ashton. "You have the best job ever don't you." "I get to have thoughts about killing your band mates every day, of course it's the best job." You kneel to adjust his pant legs and he smirks and you slap him. "Save the perverted thoughts for home, Michael, we're both working now." He laughed. "But you're here now." You put a hand on his chest. "When we get back home, okay!"

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