Choosing Exercises That Work For You

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When I first began working out, it was because I was terrified of getting sick. For the first time in my life, my weight was uncontrolled. A shocking 60kg's. And for my height, that was way past the normal range. My BMI was around 27. It terrified me to the point that I went to a doctor and asked him to check if I had diabetes. That was the moment I decided to take control of my life and make a change. I did not want to live in fear of getting sick when it was something I could control. And so, my fitness journey began.

As someone who had never worked out, I was not sure how to go about getting fit. I started with going jogging a few times a week. It was never my favorite thing to do but the only thing I knew how to do. Soon after, I tried Zumba. While it might be effective for a lot of women out there, it proved to be ineffective for my weight loss goal.

Coming across Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred Workout Series was when my fitness journey took a turn for the better. 30 Day Shred has 3 levels of 20 minute workouts of 3-2-1 Interval System that combined 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute ab moves. The first day I did 30 day shred, level 1 I barely made it through the workout. I thought I was going to throw up or pass out.  And it was only 20 minutes!

I would recommend  Jillian Michael's workouts to anyone who is looking to lose fat and build muscles. Using ONLY Jillian Michael's30 Day Shred Level 1 and Level 2, I managed to reduce 25kgs.

However, you have to be realistic when it comes to your weight loss goals. Simply by working out alone you are unlikely to reach your goals. When it comes to weight loss, exercise plays a minor role compared to diet. You've likely heard of the 80 percent diet and 20 percent exercise Rule(80/20 Rule)  when it comes to weight loss.

From the research I did and continue to do, and from my personal experience there are two slightly different but similar methods that work miracles when it comes to fat loss and gaining muscle.

The first method is known as HIRT. HIRT stands for High Intensity Resistance Training. The second method is HIIT which stands for High Intensity Interval Training. Most people would have heard of HIIT. HIRT and HIIT are very similar but while HIIT is much more centered around cardiovascular movements, HIRT is essentially strength training for fat loss. During a HIRT workout, you perform a series of strength training exercises for a set number of reps, and a set number of minutes, without rest. This causes your heart rate to stay elevated and your muscles will be given very little time to recover before being called on again for the next set. This type of workout enables you to build muscle, increase endurance, and burn a whole lot of calories at the same time. Since your break time is going to be short like 60 seconds you don't want to go crazy heavy with the weights that you use for this workout. Stick to a moderate weight load and mix together 3 to five of your weight training exercises back to back with no break until the circuit is over. At the end of that circuit take a 60  second break and then repeat. The benefits of HIRT has been proven through several research papers published including Paoli et. al. (2012).

Jillian Michael's workouts are resistance training similar to HIRT. It also incorporates cardio moves in each circuit to ensure your heart rate remains elevated through out the workout.

It is extremely important to try out a few different types of workouts and decide what suits you and interests you. Consistency is key in achieving your weightless goals. Chances are,if you choose a workout that interests you, you are more likely to stick with it. With that being said, it is also important to chose a workout that gives quick results. According to most fitness coaches, you are more likely to get discouraged and give up if it takes too long for you to see results.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2018 ⏰

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