So We Meet Again

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**Hey ya'll! Here's another update. Next update is the one ya'll have been so patiently waiting for so STAY PATIENT!! Below are pictures of Tany's hair, makeup, and outfit for this chapter (all pictures courtesy of pinterest)! I hope you enjoy!**

UPDATE: So I'm not sure if this is going to fix the issue, but the update was having some issues so I decided to take it down and repost it! PLEASE let me know if this fixes the issue for you!!!**

UPDATE: So I'm not sure if this is going to fix the issue, but the update was having some issues so I decided to take it down and repost it! PLEASE let me know if this fixes the issue for you!!!**

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Tansy's POV

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Tansy's POV

I groaned in frustration while pinching the bridge of my nose as the girl on the other end of the phone grew quiet. It was a Friday morning and the last thing I wanted to be doing was arguing with the customer service line of the payment company I use.

Our checkout had been freezing up for the past few days and causing some major complications with the way customers were paying me, not to mention pissing them off when I told them I could only take cash or check.

"Listen, Mindy, I've tried being nice but you've done absolutely nothing to help me except tell me how super sorry you are that your company's technology is fucking up. I get that you have nothing to do with this and you didn't design the technology, but stop telling me your sorry and transfer me to someone who can actually help me fix this damn issue!" I demanded, feeling a tinge of guilt settle in my stomach at the upset tone of her voice when she replied.

"Yes, ma'am. I'll transfer you to my manager and see if he can do anything to rectify this issues. Have a great rest of your day." She murmured before I heard the same damn elevator type music for the third time. The only thing they've managed to do so far has been passing me from person to person without helping me whatsoever.

My situation only got worse when the door to the store opened at the same time the manager picked up.

"Hi, I'm Jarrett and Mindy's informed me that you having some issues with the card reader?" The man spoke as I assessed the guy in front of me.

Why do I feel like I've seen him before?

"Yeah, Jarrett if you could just hold on for me while I help out a customer that would be great."

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