Important Revelations

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**So this was originally just a little shortish chapter to keep all the characters in the story in the loop, but then I got an idea that brought so much inspiration and I ran with it and then next thing I knew I had a chapter that was TWICE the length of any other and one I was so excited about that I had to update early! This is the update for Friday!! Enjoy and PLEASE LEAVE ME COMMENTS ON WHAT YOU THINK!!**

Tansy's POV

It was the day after I'd told Tanner about our baby, and I was feeling so much lighter. Keeping that from him was making me feel more nauseous than I already was with the usual morning sickness.

Tanner was watching some afternoon cartoon with Calla while I threw them both together a quick lunch. He was unhappy to say the least when I'd told him that he had to spend the day alone while I took care of some things today.

He was also unhappy that I wouldn't tell him what some of those things were. It's not like I was keeping secrets from him that pertained to him in any way, it was just that I knew he would do everything he could to help if I did tell him and someone interfering was the last thing I needed.

"I know I sound like a broken record, but I'm going to reiterate how unhappy I am that you won't tell me where all you're going today. I like to know that you're safe. There's so much shit going on right now with Scar and I can't focus if I don't know where you're at." Tanner stressed, having left Calla in the living room to her own devices while giving me his last-ditch effort on getting me to stay or at least let him go with.

"Baby, I need you to listen to me. I told you already that I'm just going to lunch with Judd to break the news to him as well as stopping by my mom's to catch up with her. My last stop is only a little ways away and I will call you every ten minutes if it makes you feel better." I assured him, taking his face into the palm of my hands and rubbing my thumbs across his cheeks gently. He huffed from both frustration and annoyance. I leaned up and gave his lips a chaste kiss before handing him the two plates of food; one for him and one for Calla.

"Fine. If you don't answer my calls after or before the first two rings I'm grabbing Calla and tracking your phone." He stated grumpily. I just smirked and rolled my eyes at his overprotective behavior. I knew he was expecting a fight on the tracking part, but I couldn't care less. Quite frankly, I thought it was cute that he downloaded a tracker on my phone just in case there was an emergency. 

"I'll be back as soon as possible, kay? Don't get into too much trouble and make sure you don't feed her too many sweets." I said with a pointed look. He always let Calla con him into snacks because she knew he could never say no to her.

"Yeah, yeah. I love you, please drive safe." He mumbled before giving me one last kiss and heading back into the living room with their food.


Pulling into my mom's driveway, I slumped my head back against the seat and just let myself relax for a minute before I went in to confess the recent events of my life for the second time.

The last one certainly didn't go as planned.

I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but it sure as hell wasn't what I got. The lunch with Judd had been going great, we were having fun like we always do until he decided to break the ice and bring Calla up.

"So when were you going to tell me you had a kid?" He asked, coming off as slightly disgruntled. He must've forgotten about her from the first time I ever mentioned her, so I wasn't sure how to approach the topic other than how I already had beforehand, so I just decided to claim her as my own instead of giving him some further backass explanation. It didn't really matter anyway, she was my child in my heart.

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