I Fall Apart

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**Woohoo! Here we are folks. I hope you enjoy this chapter as I know you all have been waiting what probably feels like an eternity for it!! I was nice to you and didn't leave with a cliffhanger this time. Well, at least for those of you who actually listened to the summary and read SOMH before this book. Enjoy and please don't forget to vote and comment telling me what you think!**

Tansy's POV

"Oh, you're here." Tanner's indifferent voice came before he gave a not-so-sly grab to the ass of the chick that was hanging off his side.

Oh my God, wait. I've seen her before.

That's...That's fucking Titty.

"Who's she." Calla harshly asked while glaring at Titty - who's boobs I was sure were going to spill from her shirt any second.

"She's a...friend of mine." Tanner said cockily before shooting me a smug smirk. I kept my face schooled into an icy expression of indifference, not letting him see how hurt I truly was by this stunt of his.

"I don't want her here. Make her leave." Calla demanded, her glare never faltering for even a second. The edge of my lips twitched with an intense need to smile, but I stayed collected. God, I loved this kid.

"Calla that's not how we treat guests." Tanner reprimanded lightly after Titty smacked him for doing nothing about Calla's comment.

"She's not my mommy, we don't need her. I want her to leave!" She yelled with a stomp of her foot, her tantrum going from zero to sixty in seconds. I placed my hand on the small of her back and gently pulled her body into my own for a hug while caressing her back up and down.

"I think it's best if you both go." I growled when I felt the sensation of Calla's tears soaking my shirt. Tanner's face morphed into one of guilt for a few seconds before he cleared his throat and turned to Titty.

"Leave. I'll text you later." God, dig the knife a little deeper why don't you. Better yet, give it a twist while you're at it, too.

"Calla, you were very rude to my guest." Tanner spoke, an edge to his voice as the front door slammed shut. He crouched down to her height a few feets away from us while trying to meet her eyes.

"I don't care!" She yelled, still latching onto me for dear life.

"Calla, that is no way to talk to daddy. You are being very disrespectful and I'm going to put you in time out if you don't stop." He scolded.

"Go away! You hurt mommy's feelings!" She screeched again before burying her face in my neck. I looked away and at the floor feeling my cheeks heat up. How the hell did she catch onto that? She is far too smart for her own good.

Tanner pinched the bridge of his nose while taking a deep breath.

"Calla, go to your room, please. I need to talk to mommy." He asserted, leaving no room for argument. I could see it in her pinched expression that she wanted to protest, but that she knew better.

Once she was out of sight, I stood from my crouched position in front of the coffee table and crossed my arms over my chest while looking out the window.

"Tansy." He spoke. I swallowed the lump in my throat and continued to ignore his presence. I had nothing to say to him, and even if I did, I wouldn't know where to begin.

"Tansy." He growled out angrily this time.

"Don't you fucking take that tone with me. You don't have the right." I sneered back, my eyes already starting to fill with tears. Damn these fucking emotions, go to hell!

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