Whoop, There It Is!

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**I edited this and finished the very end on the fly so pLEASE let me know what you think of it!! It would mean the world to me!** 

Tansy's POV

The only sound resonating between the two of us after my confession was the not-so-quiet sound of my own sobbing. I felt and looked pathetic, but I just couldn't stop myself after what he'd spewed out. The whole thing was so heartfelt and pure that I think it broke my tear ducts.

I wasn't sure how long we stood facing each other without saying anything as I cried, but I knew it was a while. Tanner's expression hadn't changed from the look of absolute shock on his pale-white face. He stumbled back a few steps, knocking me out of my ugly cry mode and into one of half-confusion, half-anger. I watched him closely as he continued to stumble about before grabbing his keys off the counter and bolting out of the apartment.

I felt my heart break in my chest, not expecting that response in any sort. I mean, yes I was expecting shock and maybe terror over being a father to his own biological child, but I wouldn't have ever expected him to leave. Especially not after that Grammy-worthy speech/confession he'd just given. A knock on the front door pulled me from my thoughts. I wiped away my tears and tried to make myself look somewhat put together before answering the door.

"Oh, gosh. I didn't realize it'd been an hour already." I sighed to myself before shooting Agatha a thankful smile. She returned it with her own look of worry, asking me with her eyes if I was okay. I just nodded and gave her a small wave before ushering Calla inside. I silently prayed that Tanner would come back soon so we could talk things out and I could figure out what the hell he was thinking.


Tanner's POV (SURPRISE!!!!)

Breathe. Breathe. Wait, how do you fucking breathe? Jesus Christ, I'm going to asphyxiate to death.

I gripped the steering wheel so tight my knuckles turning white, threatening to crack open. Her words kept bouncing around and around in my fucking brain.

I'm pregnant.

My heart sped up in my chest just thinking about it. I wasn't sure how I ended up in the parking lot of Target, but here I was parked. I never understood what the fuck the appeal was with this place, but Tansy seems to think it's the end all be all.

Wandering in the store, I got a few sideways glances from a few teenage girls and a soccer mom with her kids. Must've never seen a Goddamn tattoo before.

I dodged a few children here and there to keep from being run into as their parents chased after them. The kids giggled, ignoring their parents completely before dashing down a random aisle. If my kid ever acts like that...

I'd wandered the store for about five minutes until I realized that I'd ended up in the baby aisle. I was surrounded by those little jumpsuits with the stupid sayings on it, bottles, binkies, diapers, car seats, some shit I've never even seen before. My breathing quickened as I glanced all around me.

My hands shook as I reached out for the piece of clothing in front of me labeled 0-3 months. Daddy's Little Girl it read in sparkly pink cursive. I wasn't sure what it was, but tears started to leak from my eyes one at a time before I couldn't control them. Clutching the little shirt in my hand I dropped into a crouch, unable to keep myself upright any longer.

"Oh, honey are you alright?" A middle-aged woman asked as she strolled into the aisle with her cart, her own infant sitting upright and watching me intensely. I cleared my throat and forced myself to my feet with a little struggle.

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