Foot-in-Mouth Syndrome

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**Hey guys! So here's the next chapter! I hope you guys like it and don't forget to vote and comment!!** 

Tansy's POV

I only let Calla sleep in my arms for an hour and a half for two reasons. The primary reason was that I knew if I let her sleep for too long she was never going to get to bed tonight. The second was because Tanner had fallen asleep behind me and since my hands were occupied with Calla's sleeping frame, I was left with nothing left to do but stare boringly towards the TV, which was far too quiet for me to make out even a few words of the movie here and there.

I not so sneakily jabbed my elbow into Tanner's rock hard stomach in order to wake him up. He grunted before the hand that he'd manoeuvred between my thighs slid up and around my body to cradle both Calla and I.

"Get up." I ordered through a quiet laugh. He groaned before whining out no like a petulant child.

"If we all don't wake up now, you're going to be up all night with Calla because she'll be wired." I said, giving my last ditch effort. It's not like she was going to be keeping me up, so I really didn't care enough to beg.

"Fine." He grumbled before sliding out from behind me and crouching in front of Calla's still sleeping frame. Good lord, I thought I was dead to the world when I slept. He proceeded to gently prob his fingers against her diaphragm, successfully tickling her awake as she began to squeal with laughter.

"Alright monkey girl, what do we want for dinner, hmm?" He asked while picking her up as she continued to laugh.

"Tansy noodles!" She exclaimed. Tanner lifted a single brow and gave me a questioning look as my cheeks flushed.

"I shared my stir fry with her one day when she was hungry." I explained sheepishly. Tanner had a cute confused look on his face as he was deep in thought. Wait... cute?

"Looks like you're cooking dinner tonight then." He stated simply while turning and heading for the kitchen. I scoffed in disbelief before shaking my head and following after him.


My eyes were growing heavy as I finished up washing the last few dishes in the sink. Tanner insisted that I just leave them because it wasn't my job, but it wasn't in me to dirty a dish at a house that wasn't my own and just leave it. I thought he was playing with Calla and her dolls in the living room, but I was caught off guard when a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind. An uncontrollable smile overtook my face as Tanner nestled his face in the crook of my neck and blew warm air against my skin.

He gently rocked us back and forth as his growing erection became more prominent between my ass cheeks.

"Stooop." I giggled while trying to swat him away, but he wasn't budging.

"Just giving you an idea of what you're about to get in a couple hours." He growled against the shell of my ear. I scoffed before tossing the dish towel on the counter and turning in his arms.

"As if, buddy. I'm going home to sleep in my own bed in about twenty minutes." I said matter-of-factly. It was his turn to scoff at me this time, something that caught me off guard.

"What was that for?" I retorted while placing my hands on my hips.

"I just find it funny that you think she's not going to throw a professional fit when you go to leave." He mocked, winking at me while adjusting his hard-on in his pants and rejoining Calla in the living room. I followed behind him before pulling my shoes on and turning to face the two. The instant change in Calla's happy-go-lucky expression had my heart dropping to my gut.

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