Almost Caught

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**Here's the next part that I KNOW you guys will enjoy and have been patiently waiting for!! Please don't forget to vote and comment! I love hearing what you guys think about the chapters!**

Tansy's POV

"Calla?" I deadpanned before an ear to ear smile split my face. I dropped to my knees, taking the little girl into my arms and squeezing her tightly. A happy giggle bubbled from my chest as she bounced around in my arms squealing with excitement.

"Hold on, what the hell is going on here. How the fuck do you know her?" Tanner demanded.

"Watch your language." I growled, shooting him a scathing glare before turning my gaze back to Calla who was smiling so wide she had to stop to massage her cheeks. I threw my head back and laughed loudly before rubbing her cheeks with my own hands.

"Hi, honey. How are you?" I asked excitedly.

"Better now! Daddy why didn't you tell me Tansy was here!" She screamed, still jumping up and down with excitement.

Then her words registered in my mind. Daddy? Holy shit, I've dug myself deep.

"Sweety, I didn't know you knew Tansy." He gritted out through clenched teeth before shooting me a look that spoke volumes.

"She's the one I've been telling you about, daddy!" She ranted, stomping her foot before looking back at me. "I've been begging him to let you come over and play, but he said I need to stop talking to strangers. You're not a stranger are you, Tans?" She asked, growing quiet as I saw her eyes sheen over with tears. Oh God, time to do some damage control.

"Oh, baby, don't cry. It's okay." I cooed before pulling her against my chest and smoothing my hand over her head. "How about I make you some breakfast, yeah?" I suggested, her tears slowing instantly.

"She only eats-"

"French toast with peanut butter and bananas on top. I know." I deadpanned before swiping my thumbs under her eyes to catch any leftover tears and hoisting her up to rest on my hip. I moved to set her down on a stool but she protested profusely. I furrowed my brows before clearing my throat and keeping her on my hip. I blew a raspberry against her pudgy cheek to get her to smile once again before getting the things I needed to make her food. She quizzed me on how my week was and what I'd done since I'd last seen her. This was normal for us as she was always so curious about the flower shop and what I did during the day when she wasn't there.

I hadn't realized that Tanner had been quietly watching the two of us with wide eyes and his jaw practically on the floor until I turned around to set Calla down to eat her food.

"Sweety, daddy needs to talk to Tansy alone for a minute. Alright? We'll be right back." Tanner said softly before pressing a kiss to her forehead and dragging me away by my forearm.

"Ouch, asshole! Loosen your fucking grip!" I hissed when we were finally alone, smacking his hand away so that I could inspect the now reddened skin. He was pacing back and forth in front of me while pinching the bridge of his nose. He looked stressed out, but I wasn't sure why. I couldn't understand why me knowing Calla would cause this reaction in him.

"Fuck. This wouldn't have happened if you had left like any normal person would rather than stay and make fucking breakfast." He sneered.

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold the fuck on there, buddy. Like I said before, you were the one that got pissed off, and butthurt, that I left the first time we had sex, and now you're angry that I didn't? And what is the 'this' that you're even talking about? Seeing Calla?" I asked, confusion lacing my tone.

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