Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


All of their breaths were heavy and even I had a bead of sweat running down my back. They had been able to at least keep behind me proving I wouldn’t have to leave them behind, even though I wanted a reason too. The only one that didn’t pick my nerves was Ethan and that was because he wasn’t a dick like Mike, or a blubbering fool like Nia.

“Hold the door, Ethan your backpack!” My voice was razor sharp, cutting through his obvious resolve to keep his backpack at all times. I unceremoniously dumped the contents out and caught the blond boy eye a sketchpad.

An annoyed twitch marred my calm face before going to my fathers’ desk. Pushing a chair away, I grabbed the .38 taped to the underside sliding it into my boot, then slowly ran my fingers on the brim until I heard an addible click. The two bottom drawers popped open slightly letting steel glint in the sunlight.

“I’m Nia, and that’s Mike by the way.” I hear rather than see the girl squeak. Wanting to snap at her rudely I sighed instead. Everyone had their own way of dealing with crisis, we had to get moving now or else start to find our own ways of coping.

Six more handguns with silencers sat in the right, with enough ammo to last us quite awhile if we were smart about it in the left. Shoving the weapons and bullets quickly into the pack, I opened a window with a fire escape.

“Thanks for being paranoid dad,” I whispered before barking more orders. “Come on, down the ladder we go.”

“And then what, run outside blasting guns hoping to survive?” Just barely managing to keep from hitting Mike, Jake actually grew a spine.

“Listen dude,” he drawled, “As far as she’s concerned it’s her way or the shot in the head way, besides I don’t see you coming up with any ideas.” Shoulders relaxing, I kept my cool and even managed a smile.

“I have a truck so all we have to do is get to the parking lot and we can make a bee line to shelter.” The moment I stopped talking I dropped out the window sliding down the cold metal. Jake like a good little dog followed without a word. Disappointment filled me when I saw the three boulders clumsily follow.

I noticed that Ethan had grabbed his sketchpad before slinking down the ladder, and I wondered how this frail man would be able to keep living in this world.

“Now make sure to be silent, they can’t see or feel, so just keep your mouths shut.” My gaze was specifically directed towards the girl that had screamed. She blushed, but nodded her understanding.

We started out Mike repeatedly staring at the now gun filled backpack I was wearing. I would have to keep my eyes on him to make sure I wouldn’t be short a gun, or be short a head. We rounded the corner together and I winced at Nia’s gasp, at least she didn’t yell again.

I was certain almost half of the student body was outside, almost two thousand zombies pushed into a cramped courtyard. There was no guarantee that my companions would follow me. It seemed that the best way to get a move on would to convince Nia. Mike hovered meaning boyfriend, and Ethan looked almost exactly like her but more manly than feminine. Probably twins considering they were in the same class.

“Nia I need you to be strong, you know how boys are lily livered, we have to be unwavering.” My voice was smooth as I looked in her tearing eyes. She nodded whimpering.

Slowly I covered her eyes with the scarf hanging loosely around her neck. Her body shook violently, tears soaking into the thin fabric. Placing my hands on her shoulders I began to lead her into the thick mass of zombies.

We walk slowly with me knocking everyone of the dead back to keep them from touching Nia. I don’t dare look back to see if the other two are following, if I did then one of the dead could slip past my guard. Each of my nerves seem to be screaming, the knot in my shoulder blades almost unbearable.

We finally make it to the parking lot and I put my hands on my knees taking deep breaths. Tapping Nia’s leg to let her know it’s safe to take off her makeshift blindfold, I glance back looking for the boys. Sweat drips off my brow as I watch them follow quickly in my steps.

When we all catch our breath I jog to my, luckily five person, truck. Looking up over the trees at the entry to the school, I see columns of smoke off in the distance. I had hoped that the outbreak had started here, but now it seemed that we were one of the last people that this happened too.

“Okay listen up, first order of business is simple-” I started before Mike interrupted. I had an uncontrollable desire to slap him hard, but held back.

“Obviously we find others!” He said impatiently glancing to Ethan for agreement. Scoffing angrily I snap at him.

“No the first thing you do in any situation that requires it is to find shelter, then food and weapons, and lastly survivors.” Mikes face becomes a cherry red as he opens his mouth. Before he can make a loud scene Ethan grabs his shoulder trying to calm him down.

“Sam’s right,” he murmurs making me huff at the nickname, “What’s the use of gathering people that we can’t shelter, feed, or protect? We have to deal with us first.” He says the last part glancing at his sister causing the red-faced boy to calm down.

“Okay, where do we go then?”

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