Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Peace keepers. The last thing we need are idiots with guns preventing us from getting what we need to survive. Then again maybe this was a good thing. Maybe they would take out some of the zombies for us. We watched the news report as it carried on.  

      "The national guard have been given permission to use lethal force on any who do not comply to their orders." Our faces fill with shock, apart from Samantha's, of course. To her, they were probably just another obstacle. A thought then came to my head that chilled me to the bone. What if Samantha defies them and gets killed? What if she kills them? What if we get caught in the crossfire?

"We have the captain of the national guard here now. Captain Davidson, what is your view on this epidemic?" The camera turned to a large, stocky man with short, white hairs covering his rather large head. I would never forget that face. He was Nia’s first con, and mine.

An arrogant man, he takes pleasure in causing misery for those who don't respect him for the 'great leader' that he is. The most irritating part is that he can always justify his wrong doings as the greater good. It was such a satisfying feeling to take his money. My father acted as a submissive arms dealer and the good captain tried to bully him into selling him fifty crates of rifles for the price of ten, again claiming it was for the greater good.

 All Nia and I had to do was exchange the real weapons with fakes once he was satisfied with the weapons. Imagine the surprise on his face when he opened the crates to find super soakers and nerf guns. A small grin grew on my face at the memory, as did one on Nia's face. 

      "I wouldn't call it an epidemic," The captain replied in his cocky tone. "Once this curfew is in place I guarantee a drop in the amount of bio-hazards wandering our streets."

      "Bio-hazards? More like the god damn apocalypse." Mike's hand curled into a fist. He may have punched the T.V if it weren't for Nia grabbing his arm.

      "Some people are saying that this curfew is an insufficient safety precaution. Are you doing anything else other than this curfew?"

      "We are also exterminating all bio-hazards on sight and offering safe haven in certain areas."  The captain had a look of satisfaction, as if bullets and bandages could solve what was going on. My sketchbook was more use than his plan.

      "But surely it would be a better idea to try to contain these... bio-hazards until a cure is found, and some people will have small children and elderly. What if they can't make it to a safe haven?"

      "Containing the biohazards would be impractical. There is no telling their strength when in a pack. And the safe havens can only hold so many. Children and elderly would be too difficult to care for along side the rest of the refugees." I could see it in his eyes, and so could Nia. He was about to make this all better. He was going to set the general public at ease wit one simple sentence. "It's all for the greater good."

      "There it is," I heard Nia say and nodded in agreement. These words were no more comforting than our principal's last words. "Get the hell out!" If only I could. Those words ring in my head every time I see one of those creatures. Rotting flesh, soulless eyes, the simple definition of what has become of the human race. If only I could get the hell out, just get the hell away from everything and everyone. If only it were that simple.

       The noise of a passing truck echoed in the distance, sending Samantha shooting into action. She grabbed the T.V remote and turned it off while shutting off the lights that illuminated the room. She looked out the window and signaled us all to duck down. We all complied except Mike. "Why are we hiding? What if they’re the national guard?"

      "That's why we're hiding," Sam replied in a stern whisper. "If they realize we're here, they'll take us off to that death trap they call a safe haven."

      "And just why the hell aren't we signaling them here?" Mike replied fists clenched.

      "It won't be safe there." Sam's tone grew sharper and louder.

      "Right, so the safe haven isn't safe and this is?"

      "Yes. There is no cure and what if an infected person is let in? How long do you think anyone will survive in that confined space?" Samantha stood up and walked over to Mike, staring at him with a white-hot intensity. "So shut up and get down!"

      "I'm done taking orders from you bitch!" Mike swung his fist wide, slamming it into Sam's cheek. She recomposed herself, one strand of hair hanging in front of her face. The intensity was still in her eyes but she showed no other signs of anger. Was she impressed with Mike's strength? Was she taken by surprise? My questions were answered in one simple movement. Sam closed her eyes, regardless of Mike's bright red face, and brushed the stray strand of hair back behind her ear. Then, without even opening her eye, Sam pulled back her fist and punched Mike Square in the jaw, knocking him off his feet.

      Mike lay there motionless. The only sign of life in him was his steady breath. Sam had knocked him out cold. The truck had passed a while ago, not batting an eyelash at us but I was still reluctant to turn the lights back on. Samantha let out a huge sigh of relief. It seemed that out of all the people she hated Mike was top of the list. Nia did not move to help her boyfriend, not frozen in fear, but because she knew Sam was right. Her and I both know that the captain is as incompetent as Mike. "He's going to be out for a while," Sam said after about ten seconds. "Better drag him upstairs

      "I'll get his head. Ethan, You grab his legs," Nia volunteered. We hoisted the unconscious Mike up the stairs and into his bed. I couldn't help but smirk a bit at the large bruise that was already forming on his jaw. I then remembered Nia's present. Her chocolate! I hurriedly pulled them from my pocket. Luckily they hadn't melted. "Nia, here." Her face lit up at the sight of the snack.  She could eat factories of chocolate and not gain a single pound. "Thank you thank you thank you," She exclaimed as she ripped open the first bar and almost swallowed it whole. I chuckled to myself as the bar dissipated. How is it that in this hellish world, someone so sweet and innocent exists? I guess every story needs it's angel. The hard part is working out who the devil is.

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