The Café

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It was a cold harsh night. The weather showed no mercy on anyone, it wasn't rare. I sat at a quiet lonesome café in my usual spot of the corner. Quietly watching the frantic runs of people who have places to be and people to meet. I had no one.

Drinking slightly cooled tea with milk and sugar, I sighed at the same view I witnessed everyday. The world always seemed to be in fast forward; no time to stop, just keep going and going and going.

In this café though, I could see this giant world from a small panel of glass. Hiding, yet being seen, I felt safe. I felt as if I wasn't apart of the hectic chaos outside my window. Sometimes, spotting certain people was fun. My favorite person to find was you. You were always so patient and small. Not literally of course, considering your stature of 6'3. Everyday was made a little brighter when I saw you there; standing in your coat and your black skinny jeans. Your clothing was always black, but it somehow brought light about the city. The gloom faded when you were there.

Everyday, of the same worries, the same stress, the same people, was made different by you. The smile you would flash at the elderly; showing that there was still hope for this generation. The beaten guitar case you carried on your way to 'work'. You were the difference I needed.

Often times you came in, sat down, and smiled as Betty, the waitress, complimented you. I couldn't help but to stare in awe. You knew I was staring, I think we all knew. You didn't stop it though.

That day I sat and watched you. I watched you laugh and bond with the old man who sat alone everyday. I watched you drink the mediocre coffee that was served to you. I watched you blush as you realized that I was watching you, watching me. It's kind of embarrassing thinking about it now; the way we watched each other. Talking wasn't an important factor of our relationship, considering I was too shy to tell Betty I would like hot tea, not orange juice on the days she forgot that I was a regular tea drinker. That's just the way we were though. I loved it.

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