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I've moved on,
I tell myself,
I'm much better,
I've forgotten about you,
The misfortune of my childhood don't define me,
But then I see you on the street.
You've become a constant echo now,
But echoes fade, you keep coming back.
In my dreams, your voice follows me,
Telling me to trust you.
And I did, like the naive child that I was,
My worst nightmares consist of your hands roaming my body,
Searching for treasures that my body wasn't ready to give up,
Despite my resistance,
I wake up covered in sweat,
A silent scream on my lips.
The following day cursed by the aftertaste of the nightmare,
that seems to cling on my skin,
Follows me around like a shadow,
Leaving me incapable of ever trusting another man,
And a million questions running through my head.
"Why did you do it? I was just a kid! 
Do you still think about how you ruined me? 
Do you even remember? 
How many more kids did you mess up? 
Did I make it worse with my silence? 
Could I have made a difference?"

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