Falling in love

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"Have you ever fallen in love?" You asked me one day as we sat side by side, gazing at the stars.
"Multiple times," I smiled at you, "just not in the way you think."
You smiled back at me because you knew I was about to have another one of my famous 4 am thoughts word spill that you had grown so used to.
"I fall in love with the first sip of the perfect blend of coffee in the morning that awakens all my senses. I fall in love with the way silk feels against my skin. I fall in love with the smile of a stranger as our eyes meet across the road.I fall in love with the smell of books, the new ones and the old ones. I fall in love with the wind brushing my face when we go on long drives. I fall in love when I'm in my coziest of clothes in winter, tucked in bed with my favorite book. I fall in love with an unexpected good movie. I fall in love with the outcast, dorky, clumsy character in my books, who just reminds me of me. I fall in love with the way the sun sets the treetops on fire and wraps everything in its warm embrace. I fall in love with the sky when it's covered with clouds and when it's not. I fall in love with the beauty of the moon as it is surrounded by the sparkling stars, as it hides itself behind the clouds and peeks from underneath them just giving you a taste of its beauty and steals my breath. I fall in love with the smell of the first rain and the freshness and peace it brings to my mind as the wind blows, with the lightning and the thunder. I fall in love with my friends as they talk about the things that make them happy. I fall in love with my mother's kindness, and my sister's poetry, with my brother's possessiveness and a child's mischief. I fall in love with the kind of breathless laughter that makes it so hard to breath that it starts to hurt. I fall in love with the feeling I get when I know I've made someone I love happy or made them laugh because of my stupid jokes that aren't really all that funny. I fall in love with the taste of desert after a long tiring day. I fall in love with the little things every single day and yet... " I trail off, feeling breathless at having spilled my soul out in front of you.
I felt your hand grazing my chin and pulling my face to yours. I looked into your eyes and knew that you understood, that I didn't have to elaborate further. And I fell in love with that feeling again.

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