Letter I

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You who refuses to recognize me.

I didn't want to wake up this morning, sleep sounded more tempting than waking up. Not the "just two more minutes" kind of sleep. It was an "I had a good dream and I don't want to wake up to the nightmare that is my reality" kind of sleep. It was a good dream. So good that I really didn't want to wake up. So good that I wanted to die with the warmth of that memory rather than wake up to the cold realization that it was just a dream. So good that the alarm clock felt like a punishment. It's harsh sound a reminder of my reality.
           Guess who the protagonist of the dream was? You! No surprise there. It started as any normal day. Woke up, went to college, stressed out, cried a lot, you know just another day in my life. Which is what made it feel so real. The fact that there were no volcanoes erupting in my room, or a random hail storm in summer. And then all of a sudden a door opened and there you were. Looking as beautiful as ever. I was tongue tied. I knew that greeting you would only lead to disappointment. That no matter what I did, you would deny my existence and walk away. But then you did something you haven't done in a really long time. You called my name.

       For the first time, I loved hearing someone calling it. It sounded like a sweet choir. A melody so good I wouldn't mind hearing it till I die. You walked towards me and stood so close I could smell your perfume so familiar that it always felt like home. You opened your arms and said, "Hey". And just like that everything was forgiven.
          I fell into your arms and knew I was back where I belonged. We fit together like two pieces of a puzzle that were never taken apart. I could feel the warmth of your embrace, your hands stroking my back, your soft breath in my ear, your heart pounding against mine. I asked you, why hadn't you come to see me before? Why had you refused to recognize me? Why did you hurt me everytime by walking away? I had no control over the tears running down my face. You took my face in your warm hands and wiped my tears away. Your reply got muffled by the sound of my alarm.
             With the opening of my eyes, came the realization that you never came to me, we never reunited, I never got to ask the questions that haunt me everyday. With that came the crushing pain. The warmth that I held so dear in the dream, disappeared leaving me broken.

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