To the girl I'll never be able to forget

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In this twisted world,
Some people spend their entire lifetime
Searching for their soulmates.
Some die without finding their's,
I was lucky enough to have found you
Right after birth.

I think the universe knew,
Neither of us was strong enough,
To survive it's mysterious ways alone,
So it gave you to me,
And me, you.
So you and me,
We vowed that come what may,
We would stick together,
Come what may,
We would bear through the storm together,
It would always be you and me,
Against the world.

But you broke that vow,
When you left me for another,
But see the cruelty of the universe didn't end there,
You still need me as a backup plan,
You still use me as a soft pillow to fall back on.

So I stay here,
Waiting for you to come back,
Always welcome you with open arms,
And sweet words,
A side character in someone else's book,
But that's okay because without you I cease to exist
                                                  -with love,                                            your imaginary friend.

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