Chapter 4 [DRAFT]

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A/N: I'm so proud of you guys, you're learning slowly XDD 69

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A/N: I'm so proud of you guys, you're learning slowly XDD 69...
~ May's P.O.V~
They all stared at me in confusion. I could hear them muttering to each other.
"Is she the new recruit?"
"I don't know."
"Who's this?" I sweatdropped. Then a grunt came up to me. He had black hair and black eyes. "Are you Rheanne? The new grunt?"
I hesitated. "Umm, yes?"
"Oh well go on! It's nice to meet you!"
"Umm, Thanks.." I said.
"Who knew that the new recruit would be so cute.." I heard the guy mutter. I facepalmed as I walked away from the gossiping grunts.

Once I was clear of their sight I sprinted down the hall. It was built exactly like the previous floor. A long hallway which eventually split into four, I went left which was where the "Torture Chamber" was.

When I arrived there was a giant, metal door in the way. I sighed, how was I gonna get past this?!
"Oh, so you finally made it." I looked behind me. It was the man who gave me the key. I glared at him.
"You never said there was gonna be a giant locked door here!" He just sighed. He walked up to the door and pushed on it. It opened.
"Ever heard about trying?" I facepalmed. "Uhh.."
"C'mon." He said as he walked in. I followed him. Inside were a series of metal walls with iron doors on them. Inside were probably poor people who were tortured. I followed the guy to the end, where he walked up to a door. He took out a key from his pocket and unlocked it. I ran in immediately.

Drew was sitting down, leaning on a wall, unconscious. He had bruises all over and there was a giant, bloody cut on his leg. I ran straight over to him worried.
"Drew!" I yelled shaking him.
"Drew!" He made an irritated face.
"Seriously, September. You're giving me a headache with all your yelling." I smiled widely and hugged him tightly.
"O-ow..." He exclaimed. "Sorry!" He opened his eyes and smiled at me. I felt blood rush up my cheeks. I was blushing. He just chuckled.

"I'm sorry to ruin your moment but we have to get going." The man said. Drew looked confused at him.
"Who're you?"
I sighed. "I dunno, he just helped me get out of the cell. But whoever he is, he's right. It won't be long until they realise I'm no longer in the cell."
Drew nodded as he attempted to stand up. But he failed. I looked at him with worry. "Here." I said as I put his arm around my neck.
"T-thanks." He said. He attempted to stand up again, this time leaning on me. He managed to. I smiled in relief. We slowly walked to the door, Drew limping.

"Where're we going?" He asked the man. The man said nothing but put his finger to his mouth, shushing the two of them. Then the we realised why.
"Find her!" I heard someone yell from outside.
"They're coming..." Drew muttered. I panicked.
"What're we gonna do?!"
"Just leave me here!" Drew said.
"What?! No!" I exclaimed.
"No, I'll only slow you guys down!" He argued.
"Andrew Shuharu Hayden! I am not leaving you." I yelled.
Drew gasped slightly. I realised I had used his full name, never. Never in the name of Arceus have I done that. I blushed slightly from embarrassment. "You two! Shut up!" The man yelled. We stared at him in surprise. Then he took out a pokéball.
"Go! Abra!" A blinding light appeared then disappeared. And in its place was an Abra. "Abra, use teleport!"

Another blinding light appeared and when it subsided, we were outside of the torture chamber, behind a giant wooden crate.
"The boy is gone too." A masculine voice said, I recognised it as the voice of the boy who called me cute back at the elevator.
"Great, this is just great." A feminine voice.
"Well, we can't let this get in our way. We will resurrect Groudon. Those pesky kids won't get in our way!" The voice said again.
Lets go tell the boss." I could hear affirming grunts then footsteps fading away. We all exhaled. I realised that we were all holding our breaths the entire time.
"Abra," The man whispered. "Use teleport to get us outside."
"Abrrra!" The Pokémon chanted. After another flashing light, we were outside.

I took a deep breath in.
"FRESH AIR!" I yelled and dropped to the ground and kissed it. Before gagging and spitting everywhere. I heard Drew chuckling. I stared at him, he was leaning onto a tree. He just smirked at me then winced. I realised he still had a giant cut on his leg. I walked up to him but the man came instead. He went into his bag and found a bandage. He bandaged the cut and stood up again.

"I suggest you guys head to Sootopolis. I hear that Groudon rest in a cave somewhere nearby. If you can get there before Team Magma does, then the world will be safe." Drew and I nodded. "Oh, and take these."
A bright light appeared and on the floor were two bows and arrows. One bow had 'May' carved on it and the arrows to match were red. Drew's had 'Drew' carved on it and had green arrows to match.
"It's not just the Pokémon who have to fight, us trainers have to, too. And you two could be the.. dynamic archer duo." I sweatdropped. I had no idea how to do archery.
"Well, I'm off. Good luck you two." With that, his Abra teleported him away.

"Well. I'm gonna take a wild guess." Drew said once he had gone. He slowly stood up and winced slightly. Then he stood up straight.
"You don't know how to shoot." He smirked. I got flustered from embarrassment. "Y-yeah.."
"Well then, I, the amazing Drew will have to teach you." He flicked his hair and smirked again.
I sighed in annoyance. "Egotistical grasshead."

But, on the inside, I smiled. I missed him.
I missed Drew.

April 8th, 2002
A/N: In attempt to redeem myself, I tried to make this chapter long/er than the last one XD Hope you enjoyed my failures XD~ ALSO I MIGHT BE GETTING A 3DS ON MY BIRTHDAY! My 2DS finally gave in and stopped working 😭 how am I gonna play soul silver...

Luna Off

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