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It seems to me, that love could be labeled Poison. We would still drink it.

Once he found out, it was like hell came down upon us. What did we do every night? We cried because we knew we probably wont have the future we had planned. We cried as we grasped at each other. Even our dinners were quiet. We both were broken.

I had moved my medical equipment into his room for when I did visit, which was a oxygen tank or four, a breathing mask, a extra chest piece and inhalations.

I knew he didn't like looking at them and didn't like them, it made him upset.

I knew it did. But what could I have done?

Slowly we had started to rebuild our relationship.

We still did have issues when it came to my nights of being unable to breath and grasping at him like he was my life line.

We slowly got better.

It seemed we were on a downward spiral and we were just trying to cram everything into our lives before my expiration date hit.

I was put under a medically induced coma for a week, which he did not know about. He thought I died.

When I called him upon awaking, he sobbed into the retriever of the phone and he came and visited me before taking him to his house and cradling me to him like I was his only reason.

I got a lung transplant later on that year, which backfired since the cancer just got right back into those lungs.

It was another 4 months before I got another transplant. 

It worked. 

And now we sat in our living room, laughing at each other of stupid things we do, cuddling like a newly made couple.

There was no more crying over our future.

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