Out Of Hand

3K 52 4

Rated M
Sexually Explicit
SuperCorp - Smut


Daydreaming- Lena sighed halfheartedly, morose to admit that it was the third time this week she'd resorted to getting herself off inside of her own goddamn office building and that frankly she was also beginning to wonder how precisely she'd come to allow herself to let it get this out of hand.

Especially considering she was presently eyeing an elaborately new box of tissues that her assistant had started to always leave recently surreptitiously at the corner of her desk.

Squinting- It was definitely more than just a little circumspect and she had gotten the distinct impression that Jess knew more of her intimate life than strictly appropriate for their working relationship.

{Perhaps shooing her away from the office at random intervals was making her need for her 'relaxation' painstakingly obvious?

She can't truly know can she? }

Gazing lingering- her face contorted, But by god that box was staring, it can't really be a coincidence can it?

Lena rolled her eyes in exasperation and slumped into the back of her chair thoughts meandering- Maybe she knows and is hellbent on tormenting me but also wanting to disguise it as seeming helpful? So that theoretically I'd be incapable of sacking her after all of it.

Grimacing- running a palm through her locks, this whole sexual deviant thing had started barely a few weeks ago- around the same time that first box had appeared and right after being rescued by a spectacular specimen of a superhero.

All muscles- soft golden sun kissed skin and curly blonde hair, It was no wonder that she couldn't keep her hands to herself.

She'd needed to do something other than tempt fate and try out her unusually bad luck on the heroine.

Wincing at the thought- she doubted that inadvertently groping Supergirl would go down all too well, especially without at the very least dinner first.

It'd never work- and it's not as if she knew whether the Kryptonian girl was anything other than straight anyway.

Swivelling in her seat- she shouldn't dwell, it was beneath who she was as a Luthor, yet as she flicked on the tv set it seemed as if the universe itself was playing a practical joke, either that or it was a sign from its creator attempting to tell her to just go for it.

Not that she was religiously inclined of course.

Instantly bombarded by images of said super heroine pulling out cars from a wreckage on their local interstate.

She gasped- because lord just look at her.

Supergirl was holding a bus right across her back- a tight grip in place as she floated it downwards and over to the rescue teams below her so they could attempt to extract any and all trapped civilians.

The suit itself was straining in places that should've been illegal, of that she knew.

There should be a rulebook.

Dirt was smudged right across the lines of her face that only lead down and onto her chest.

What Lena would do to be allowed to give that woman a sponge bath. Eyes lowering on the video she caught a flashing glimpse of blue that certainly lay underneath that obsessively shortened skirt as it flapped in the wind and Lena reeled with the knowledge that it was a bodysuit.

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