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Platonic SuperCat - SuperCorp

Cat's back to regain Catco and to suss out what Lena's intentions are with our girl in blue. -SuperCorp through the eyes of Cat Grant.

[Set sometime early S3 after 3x02 but before 3x09]


Cat recognised the change quickly, has regrettably watched the degradation of her girl in blue and her media enterprise as they followed a similar abysmal trajectory.

Coming back to National City was always a possibility but what she hadn't accounted for, was another mysterious figure- powerful, dominant, enigmatic and almost as brilliant as she... to leap in so swiftly to take up the mantle as CEO of Catco and sneak her way inside of her media Kingdom. Never mind start lapping up all of that glory for saving her creation from that greasy garden knome they liked to call 'Morgan Edge'.

Musing that Perhaps she deserved a little credit, but that wasn't the Grants forte.

But then again- by all accounts that were slithering down the metaphorical grapevine the heiress of the Luthor household had even went as far as to help elevate some of Supergirls own troubles... a Luthor of all things... attempting to bring back those classic beaming smiles and sweet puppy dog mentality. How absurd and deserving of said credit.

It had been the thing that was lacking, if all rumblings were true during her brief time as press secretary.

I've only been gone a few months, did they really miss me that much they felt the need to replace me with exceptionally bosomed and emotionally unstable brunette bizzaro?

All in all she's glad... if not a little bit miffed at the attempt to recreate her with a younger head of Catco. Lo and behold she'd accept it, as long as it had indeed helped both of her Golden Girls whilst in her stead. Plus.. she's not some naive fool- she knows exactly how this world works.

Blink once and they're already choosing your casket and you've been replaced by a stuttering millennial called Janet.

Or in this case- a twenty four year old orphan from metropolis. That's the board for you.

Fear not... a few two many cheap suited egos, a pair of legs and a sharp jawline wasn't enough to deter her away from taking what was so rightfully MINE.

Including a certain protégée that was sourly in need of a little TLC.

So she had decided... that it was time to get her houses in order, buy back Catco and strategically help the youngest Luthor to mend all of Kara's broken pieces, hopefully they'd slot back into their rightful place- were they belonged.

Like one of those lego starships Carters always fiddling with.

{Thinking of Kara's origins she can't help but feel the way her lips to curl faintly at the irony.}


The squelch of tires and a sharp jolt of the handbrake was enough for Cat Grant to shift forward, perilously perched between two cream leather seats as her driver continued to strain ridiculously with the steel door handle of her black town car. It was well into the night and she was just a few Lexapro, a coveted down filled duvet and a file on LCorp assets away from walking back into an old life- the one she'd left just over seven months prior.

{The Daxamite invasion had- for all intents and purposes provided a way out.. an opportunity to start again when she was struggling with the aftermath of living a high adrenaline lifestyle.

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