'There's More To Me Than Being Blue'

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Rated K
Fluff - Hurt/Comfort

Prompt: 'Kara being the one who eventually makes the first move, and kisses Brainy while they're on a date together? (except Brainy's image inducer turns off when they're kissing, and now she has to protect him from anyone who might be scared of him being an alien)'

[First attempt at Karadox please let me know how I did on Characterisation, I'll definitely be writing more in the future.]

"You know.... when I first arrived in this time, I never would have thought I'd have found the transition as comfortable as I have done, but that's down to you Kara.. so thank you."

The Kryptonian blushed ducking her head bashfully giggling.

Brainy smiled absentmindedly, something he'd been doing more of as of late. Kara just.... made him.... how do they put it... light up like a Christmas tree, everytime he was within her presence.

Glancing up from her perch at the opposite side of the table "I er- I'm glad you've found your place..." biting her lip "I really do enjoy your company."

Brainy beamed, taking in their surroundings- they were sat at at a dimly lit wooden table, the walls a muted olive contrasting with the dark primitive furnishings that even for this era seemed rugged- his eyes glanced down to the lit candle flickering inside a minuscule glass holder, cascading Kara with a warmth only further amplified by her natural glow.

Watching the blonde curiously as she took a few small sips of club soda, his own hands found the hard leather below gripping and a little sweaty as the blocks of ice swirled and her palm knocked against the edge of her glasses- the ones held sweetly on the centre of her nose.

A change between them had occurred recently- small things like extra chuckles, subtle touches and a few mischievous grins. Things that if he were to use his rationale he would have just passed off as mere speculation, asserting that it was likely just within her nature to act that way...

...but the staggering realisation that both emotion and shows of affection are often illogical and can be somewhat difficult to ascertain put a wrench in the inner cogs of his mind. So now he has found himself at a crossroads, a place he's never had the opportunity to navigate the potential for dating if all indications were right and frankly it's making him anxious.

Fiddling with his shirt he lifted both hands placing them on the table to keep them steady hoping that his nerves weren't showing, though it seems as if he was unsuccessful at staying stoic if the manoeuvring of Kara's own to lace over his was anything to go by....

Blue orbs latched onto his gaze, causing his breath to hitch and her lips to curl... "Is... Is this okay?"

Gulping, clearing his throat.. he nodded- but before he was able to answer satisfactorily, the waitress interrupted them causing a sudden loss of contact and Querl to miss the fleeting touch of his new companion.

Handing over a bowl of pasta the waitress muttered "You two make an adorable couple" not spotting his eyes widening whilst he checked to see the supers reaction, whether such a comment made her uncomfortable. Thankfully he was happy to see that her features seemed to only contain a look of adoration and joy whilst eyeing her own double calzone and a side order of battered mushrooms ...the food choices in this age were exquisitely odd.

Popping one into her mouth without so much of a second thought Supergirl groaned causing Brainy to freeze up and scrunch his brow... he was embarrassed at the sudden influx of warmth and the fluttering of sensation.. the evident attraction he was having. Flushing.... reaching for his fork a little too quickly he leant so far forward he accidentally head butted Kara... fumbling scrambling for salvation Kara came to his aid by settling a hand to either side of his jawline holding him in place.

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