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Evan wakes up sweating in the bed of his employer. Why wasn't he on the couch? That's where him and Jonathan... The memory floods back to Evan and it makes his cheeks burn. He sits on the bed and thinks about everything that happened before. It was lovely and he could finally tell Jonathan how he felt about him. Speak of the devil, the blue-eyed man himself peeks into the room, "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" Jonathan pauses and frowns, "Are you feeling okay? Is it too hot in here?" Wait... did Jonathan not remember what he did to Evan? Or was it all a- "Just a weird dream," Evan half lies. It was hot in here, because of the man standing in front of him. He was also embarrassed about thinking his dream was real. He wishes it were.

Jonathan sits at the edge of the bed, "Was it the movie?" He chuckled, and god did Evan love that noise. Evan laughs, "No. It was a lot weirder than that." He shakes his head and plays with his hands. Jonathan moves closer to Evan, "You wanna talk about it?" His concerning voice is very warming to Evan. The cheeks on the younger man turn red, "No. I'm ready for breakfast though." They both chuckle and Jonathan leaves. Evan sits alone once again and he ponders to himself. The almost kiss never happened... And none of the stuff on the couch... Evan gets up and cleans himself up in the small bathroom of Jonathan's. After breakfast, he was going to model for Jonathan and then probably go home. He wasn't feeling his best, not physically, but mentally. He was still going to model for Jonathan, but he needed to get Jonathan off his mind for now.

"Evan! Breakfast is ready!" Jonathan shouts from the kitchen. He quickly flips the blueberry waffles onto the plate and brings them to the tiny table of his. Evan walks out of the bathroom, his black hair now in one place instead of everywhere when he woke up. Jonathan tries meeting his gaze, but Evan looks every other direction except for Jonathan's. This makes the older man yearn to figure out what he had dreamt about.

While they chow down Evan finally looks at Jonathan, "What days to I come in?" Evan's tone of voice burns a little irritation in Jonathan. He finishes chewing his food and answers, "Whenever I want." Jonathan's slight hint of teasing makes Evan think back to his dream. The Asian suddenly loses his appetite. Jonathan watches him place the fork down. He frowns, "Evan, I'm just kidding. You come in during the week and you have the weekends off. Are you okay? Are you sure you don't want to talk?"

"I'm very sure." Evan now sounded sad and this broke Jonathan's heart. "I'm sorry."

"What's the outfit style for today?" The brown eyes search the blue ones. Jonathan smiles, "I don't know yet. Do you wanna help me pick it out?"

"No, I'd rather have a surprise," Evan smirks and continues eating his waffles. Jonathan starts picking out clothing while Evan finishes. The blue eyes look through every single piece of clothing. He spots a black leather jacket with red and yellow stripes on it. He then grabs a pair of black leather jeans. A smirk forms on the photographer's face. He's going to have to use one of his own things for this photo shoot.

Evan places his plate in the sink and waits for Jonathan to come out with his clothing. He sits down on the foldout couch he was supposed to sleep on, but instead, Jonathan did. He's so magnanimous. Jonathan can't be Delirious. Even though Delirious's real name is Jonathan. Unless he was lying.

The brown eyes spot the black PlayStation remote. He remembers the almost kiss. How Jonathan almost grasped his hand and they got so close. Later on in the dream, Jonathan and Evan got real close.

A frown appears on the lips of the younger man. Why does he feel this way for Jonathan? They just met and Evan wasn't even sure if Jonathan was into him. It's like one of those stupid crushes a teenager will have on someone they know nothing about. Then when that person wouldn't like them back they'd act like the world was ending. Why was Evan a teenage girl at the age of 28? Laughter erupts out of the man; laughing at his stupid thoughts.

"Evan? Are you ready?" Jonathan's brown haired head peers from his bedroom. Evan smiles, "Yeah!" When Jonathan hands him the clothing he thinks about his dream again. The very tight outfit Jonathan picked out for him. Only in Evan's fantasies would that dream ever happen.

While Evan was getting on his outfit Jonathan goes downstairs and outside to get the setup ready. After the last beep on the elevator, Jonathan marches off and waves to the lady at the desk. She nearly faints, "H-hey, Mr. D-Dennis!" Jonathan loves it when women would nearly faint over him. The irony is he isn't interested; he is gay.

Jonathan finally gets to the back of the building and finds his beauty. He usually doesn't go out, because he's taking photos or trying to play online with the guys. Jonathan only goes out every week or so for groceries, stuff for his photography, and sometimes for a new video game. He also went shopping for clothes. He'd have to do that often now, because of Evan.

How does Jonathan get place to place without taking an Uber? He rode his one and only, "Motorcycle." Jonathan smiles as he pulls the tar off of the majestic ride. It was a midnight blue Cruiser. He can't wait to show Evan this.

Above Jonathan, in his apartment, stands Evan; wondering where his photographer went. "Jonathan!?" He calls out, but no one answers. The young man wanders around the studio of his employer. In the corner of his bedroom, Evan finds the closet for the props. The brown eyes desperately look for the handcuffs or the metal pole, but Evan can't locate them. He shakes his head at the fact he'd even think about that dream ever happening in real life.

The thoughts of the gay gamer crash when he hears his name being called. He follows the muffled noise. There's a window towards the back of the studio. Evan hears his name once more, and it's coming from outside. He opens the window and looks down. There stands Jonathan. Even being 20 floors up Evan can still see the huge smile on Jonathan's face. "Come on down!" Both of them laugh. Evan notices the reference if it was one. He shakes his thoughts once again and quickly makes his way outside.

"Why are we outside? It's a little warm and I'm wearing all leather." Evan pretends to paint from the heat. Jonathan laughs, "Well, we're going to have to use one of my personal belongings for this photoshoot." Evan shivers in anticipation as Jonathan slowly removes the tar once again. Evan gasps at the bike, "Is this yours?" Jonathan nods, "Ever since I got out of college." Evan wanted to ask what college Jonathan went to, but that was a discussion for another time.

"You ready biker boy?"

"Biker boy?" Evan scoffs at Jonathan's name for this outfit. Jonathan wheezes as he sets up his camera, "Yeah. biker boy, ya know? Instead of skater boy!" They both laugh again as Evan easily gets onto the bike. "Oh wait," Jonathan rushes to a small shed in the alleyway between the studio building and another building. The shed must be for his bike. Jonathan jogs back, his hair bouncing with him. "Here," he hands Evan a slick black helmet. "Cradle this beside you, on your hip." Jonathan shifts the black object on Evan's left hip. Through the leather pants, he can feel the warmth of Jonathan's hands. Evan suddenly thinks of the dream again. His face turns a bright red as Jonathan's hands continue touching his thigh every now and then. "There!" Jonathan gives a cheeky smile and stands behind the camera. "Now, look like the badass you're meant to be."


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