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It's 5:00 a.m on May 31, 2021; it is Evan's 30th birthday. Jonathan has a huge plan for his birthday. It is special, he's turning 30. Jonathan makes blueberry pancakes; Evan's favorite. "Speak of the devil!" Jonathan greets his boyfriend, "I already made coffee, it's on the table." Evan groggily makes his way to the table. "Why do you look so tired? Last night's shoot get to you?" Jonathan chuckles, remembering Evan having to do weird stretches and positions for the photoshoot. It was a plus for Jonathan, he was getting great pictures and got to see Evan in a skin-tight suit. It was like what color guard uniforms were like. Evan still has the eyeliner smeared on his face. Jonathan flips the pancakes onto a big plate. He sets it on the middle of the table and takes a sip of his coffee. "Evan you know you can't sleep in your makeup?" Evan merely nods, "Yeah, I was just so tired last night, I'm sorry." Jonathan watches sadness flash through the brown eyes. "Are you sure you're just tired?" Jonathan licks his thumb and rubs it under Evan's eye, removing some of the dark makeup. They sit in silence, eating the pancakes. Jonathan clears his throat, getting very worried and uncomfortable, "Happy birthday my love." The older man squeezes his boyfriend's hand. "Are you ready to start your day after this?"

"My day? I'm just turning 30."

"Yeah! 30 is special," Jonathan cheers and stands up. "I'll do the dishes while you get dressed. I love you." The blue-eyed man places a quick kiss on the younger man's lips.

Evan dresses himself in skinny jeans and a baby blue hoodie. The hoodie was a little big on him because it is Jonathan's. Evan smiles at himself in the mirror.

Jonathan puts the last dish in the drainer and dries off his hands. He spots Evan walking out of their room. "Aww, you look so fucking cute." Jonathan wraps his arms around him and places a kiss directly on his lips. Evan hums in happiness, the vibration tingling the older man's lips. "Are you ready to start the day?"

"Sure," Evan answers with a smile on his face. The couple makes their way down to Jonathan's bike. The lady at the front desk notices them, "Hey, Mr. Dennis I have your mail for you then!"

"Alright, thanks. I'll pick up when we get back!" She watches the couple walk out the door. She analyzes Jonathan's jacket. It has an owl on the back, she realizes it is the merch a certain YouTuber made in 2018. She chuckles and goes back to her work.

"So where are we going first?"

"It's a surprise Evan, so you have to wait."

Evan groans onto Jonathan's back. He just now notices the jacket he is wearing. "Woah, is that H2O Delirious wearing my merch?" Jonathan chuckles, "You bet your ass he is." They both chuckle as the motorcycle roars through the streets.

Jonathan pulls into an alleyway and parks his bike. He takes his helmet off and helps his boyfriend off. "Now, I have to cover your eyes until we get to our destination." Evan looks around before looking at Jonathan. "Wait, I know where we are, we're close to my old apartment," Evan exclaims, Jonathan quiets him and takes his hand. His other hand covers his beautiful brown eyes. The older man leads him down the alleyway and to the left. The first shop on the street. When they enter the shop the bell rings and an animal inside mocks it. "What was that?" The younger, blinded, man questions. Jonathan merely chuckles and leads Evan to a specific place in the store. "Here we go," Jonathan slightly teases and removes his hand from Evan's face.

The brown eyes look in the glass boxes, tiny noises come from the newborn animals. Evan covers his mouth with his hand. He turns to Jonathan, "You want to get a kitten together?" Jonathan sticks his hands in his pockets and rocks back and forth, his face a bright red. A lady comes over, "Hey guys, anything I help you with? These guys were born a few nights ago and are ready for new parents." She smiles at the couple. "May I pet them?" Evan asks and the lady nods, "Go ahead, if you need any help just holler for Caren!" She shouts while going over to another customer. "Jonathan, come over here and help me pick out our new child," Evan orders and grabs his boyfriend's hand. Getting an animal together is another step in their relationship. Their next step should be coming out, to their friends at least. Evan is surprised that his friend Tyler never asked about the guy he was eating pizza with when that dickbag thought it was a good idea to take pictures. He's surprised none of them asked. Jonathan, however, isn't. His friend Luke already knew he is gay. He'd merely freak out because his face was shown on social media, but no one knew it was actually him. Fans may have theories, but that's it.

Evan places his hand into the container of kittens. They all make their way to his hand, all of them very clumsy. Evan chuckles and cooes at them, this kills Jonathan in a good way. A black kitten with a white circle around its right eye rubs itself on Evan's dark hand and lays there. Jonathan and Evan look at each other at the same time. The older man now sticks his pallid arm into the container. The same kitten makes its way over to him and licks his hand, all the other kittens oblivious to them. "I think this is the one," Jonathan happily states. Evan takes the kitten out of the bin and rubs its head softly. Jonathan smiles, "It's so cute, so is the kitten." Evan chuckles as they both cuddle with the kitten.

After signing multiple papers for their addition to the family, the couple looks for a collar for their tiny baby.

"I love this purple one, it has a little bell on it. So we'll hear him," Evan states and pulls it off the rack. "It's perfect. Now we just need to find a name."

"Well, 'Spot' would be too clique and sounds more like a dog name. Wanna talk about it over pizza?" Evan questions. Jonathan moans, "God, I love you, Evan Fong." He places a big wet kiss on his lips as they walk to the pizza shop with their new kitten.


Wow, Evan looked hawt in that video right? That's coming from a lesbian. ;)  

- H.C 

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