Last Night Of Purge

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They walked into Stan's house, looking around. "He's probably upstairs." Cartman headed for the stairs the the blue masked man following. They barged into all the rooms till they came to the last. "You stay here." The other man whispered. "I'm gonna climb in through the window, when you hear a gunshot, you start."

The guy hurried out and Cartman waited. It took about 10 minutes before he heard a gun fire and he kicked in the door. Stan's mom was lying bloody on the bed, he sister bleeding on the floor. Stan was aiming the gun at the other dude's head. But he didn't fire because the mystery guy had a gun to Stan's head too.

Cartman raised the gun to Stan, "looks like you and Wendy can be together in Hell." He pulled the trigger, a bullet piercing through Stan's skull.

Stan's body hit the ground, a pool of blood forming underneath him. They stayed in silence for a few minutes before the masked man spoke up. "Okay so who do you want to Purge next?"

"Okay, so there's this asshole named Craig. I was thinking we head onto his house and get rid of him. Oh, and once we've done with that we can get rid of his twitchy boyfriend." The plan sounded perfect, to Cartman that is.

"Well guess that's where this ends." Cartman looked over at him confused. "What the hell are you going on about?"

The guy stopped and pulled off his mask. To revel non other than Craig Tucker. "Cuz, I'm Craig."

Cartman's eyes went wide, "fuck I mean I thought you were a bully but to kill people. Didn't think you would dude."

"How could I pass up the opportunity." He monotones, the voice changer gone.

Cartman thought for a moment, there was no way he could kill Craig. Not with him being inexperienced and Craig's skill for this type of thing. No, he couldn't survive. But him being Cartman didn't mean he wouldn't make someone else suffer first.

"Well you know, I think I'm gonna just-" He quickly turned running as fast as he could out the door and down the steps and out into the street and through the town. Just a little bit further and... He stopped when he reached a yard and looked back to find Craig standing right in front of him. "Why the fuck did you run fatass, I'm still gonna kill you. You're just fucking prolonging it."

Cartman smiled, Craig didn't have his hat on, perfect. "Help! Someone help! Innocent child in danger!" Craig looked at him confused. "What are you doing? Fatass there's no police during the Purge. And besides it's you, I doubt anyone cares."

"GAH! W-What? AH! Jesus!" The two boys in the yard looked up to see Tweek peering out his window. "Craig?!" The dark haired boy froze, "I'm gonna fucking kill you Cartman." He growled out.

"Craig?! W-What are y-you doing?!" He cried out. Cartman took the opportunity to try and slip out unnoticed, it didn't work. "Dumb fatass, you're not leaving." He pulled out his gun shooting him in the leg. The fat kid wailed, pain shooting from his right leg.

Tweek let out a startled cry, hiding behind his curtains. Craig got closer, shooting Cartman's left leg. Then right arm, followed by left arm. "You're lucky, I could have done a lot worse." Cartman laughed, "please. You kill me and Tweek will never forgive you." Craig's finger hesitated on the trigger. He looked back at the window to find Tweek peering through the see through curtains.

He sighed, some weird emotion Cartman had never seen him express before passing through his eyes. But when he turned back his eyes were cold and his lips were in a firm line. "Consider us broken up." He pulled the trigger.


He and Butters continued around town, shooting anyone they saw that might pose a treat to them. Butters stopped suddenly, Kenny looked back at him. "What's up?" He glanced around and that's when he saw it. Eric Cartman's dead body was lying on the grass.

"Holy fuck..." Kenny's eyes moved till he saw who had killed Cartman. Craig? Is that Craig?  Kenny grabbed Butters hand and pulled him toward the scene despite his pleas to not. "Craig is that you?"

The dark haired boy turned his attention to him. "Hey I know you, we've seen each other on Purge." He waved his hat in Kenny's face. "It's me, so, lets see...who are you?"

Kenny really didn't care at this point, he figured maybe next Purge they could all just do it in a group. He pulled off his hood and black mask. "Kenny? Well it's nice to finally know. What about twink over there."

Butters reluctantly pulled off his mask, looking down. Craig nodded, "didn't think you had killing in you. Nice surprise." They all heard a startled yelp and looked up to see Tweek still looking terrified in the window.

"Butters?! Y-You Purge t-too?!" He was shaking violently. "G-Gah!"

Kenny looked up to the see the sun start to lighten up. "We should head back home." Butters nodded and followed him.


He looked back up at the window at Tweek. He looked so scared. Craig walked up to Tweeks door, kicking at the boards to break them. When the boards were gone he shot off the knob. He carefully walked in, not really sure if Tweek's parents were there or not.

He walked up to Tweek's bedroom when he realized his parents weren't there. Probably at their precious coffee shop. While they just leave Tweek here all alone.

When Craig opened Tweeks door he was met with wide eyes and a shaking blonde. "P-Please don't h-hurt me." He choked out.

Hurt flashed on Craig's face, "Tweek I would never hurt you...w-what makes you think I would ever do that?"

Tweek moved farther away, his whole body shaking. "I-I just saw you k-kill Cartman. H-How long have y-you been doing this?" Craig tried to get closer to the twitching blonde but he just moved back more. "Tweek...I wouldn't hurt you. When I'm out there I always make sure no one hurts you. I would never let you get killed. It was one of the reasons I started Purging, so I could protect you."

Tweek looked down tears in his eyes, "what was another reason?" Craig frowned, "what do you mean? I don't get it-"

"w-what was another reason f-for Purging?" He interrupted. Craig couldn't meet Tweek's eyes. Tweek let out a sob, "can you p-please leave...?" Craig's eyes shot back to Tweek's who's were shiny with tears.

"Tweek ple-"

"P-Please Craig, please g-go." His voice broke at the end.

Craig felt a tear roll down his cheek, but he still turned and left.

When he was walking through Tweek's yard he had an idea. Why not put a name to the famous Purge killer. He had nothing left if they would out anyways. Who cared.

He kneeled down next to Cartman and used a knife to cut his shirt. I stuck the knife into his skin and began to carve. He stood up and examined his work.

I've got some more time, I can Purge a little more. And with that he walked off.


He and Kenny walked back to Kenny's house. His parents were gone...where was he going to stay?

"Hey Ken, I just wanted to say thanks."
Butters smiled up at him. Kenny smiled back down at him. "Anything for you Buttercup."

Butters was about to say something when a shooting pain went through his arm. He cried out as he fell to the ground. Pain filling is vision, everything hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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