Why is life hell?

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Moms are supposed to be happy supportive and understanding human being. Right?

Not mine. She is far from it. I went into my room to just hang out because I am extremely sick and I felt like I was in an interrogation room for doing something illegal.

Lots of people my age don't have to be near their parents all the time I thought. That's what I've heard at least. It's normal for them to hang out in there rooms and read or watch movies.

She won't stop texting me either about how I obviously don't want her here and she should leave again for work because clearly I was much happier while she was gone.

I'm not going to lie I was. I got to stay with my sister and it felt so light. Normal almost. Like I had a normal relationship with someone and my everyone wasn't questioned. Her and I are a lot alike so she supports me most of the time.

She's pregnant and we found out it's a boy. She wanted to name him Sebastian and I said absolutely not. The thing kids could say about him is awful!

What do you first think of when you think of that name? I think of the crab on The Little Mermaid and those weird nerds. Not the good kind of nerd the weird ones.

So I looked at her and told her that it would especially be a bad name for when he was in high school. She asked why and I talk her how most teenage boys now day are rather.... active if you know what I mean. 

So she asked how that could be a problem because of his name. I looked at her and with a very serious expression told her what they could say,"stay away from Sebastian. He'll give you crabs." 

She couldn't breathe from laughing so hard so now the name Liam is what she's thinking. I think it's a good name. I think of someone super hot when I think of that name.

In the ultrasound when we saw him just his profile is already absolutely gorgeous! Most of the time with kids their profiles aren't good but they are born and they are precious. Baby Liam's is already gorgeous.

Ok well enough baby talk. Lol

My mom is still super pissed off. She left for a week for the monthly trip for work on Tuesday. I normally go but I am so sick we couldn't risk family catching whatever I have.

Now she won't stop asking what's wrong and why I am acting the way I am.

I'm seriously not doing anything. Talking hurts my throat so when I was out in the living room I was just sitting and reading.

Oh and my step father is here. He got here Wednesday night and I have hated every second of it. I have been nice and acted like I liked him here just to please the other people.

Why is life hell? Why can't I leave my house more than just to get a coffee once every couple days?

*sighs* I gotta go.

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