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I really said I loved her.
Or at least that I might.

Did I? How did anyone know if they loved someone, really?

"Whatcha thinking about?" Ally asked as she handed me a cup of tea that I hadn't asked for but was grateful for anyway.

"We have formed a bond unlike any other she's experienced..." I muttered without really thinking about it and saw Ally freeze above me, so I focused my eyes on her to ask the question that followed, "What could that mean?"

"In what context?" She sounded cautious as she sat down beside me on the worn sofa.

"Lauren said it to me. She seemed to have some sort of epiphany when we were talking and... yeah." I said without full control of my thoughts. I didn't even know what I was thinking, to be fair. All I knew was that Ally just darted out of the room without giving me a response.

"Damn vampires," I muttered with a sarcastic roll of my eyes. I pulled my phone out in hopes that it'd distract me a little from my racing mind.


I didn't know when it started but the edges of my vision were blurred, the world was spinning, and my breaths were far too loud again. Fear kicked in as I looked up at Lauren who stood squarely across the room from me. The sound of laughter came from somewhere but it was from neither of us, though it sounded a lot like hers, like the psychotic one she had down in the cellar. She was still as a statue, staring me down with her piercing green eyes.

"Lauren?" I asked and it echoed around the room as though the sound itself was mocking me.

All of a sudden, she was gone, and then right in front of me, and then back to normal, and back to just inches from my face, like she was glitching somehow.

My breathing rocketed and was joined, yet again, by my heartbeat. She was doing this to me, I realised. She was controlling everything I was seeing and feeling right now.

"Lauren?" She repeated with a tilt of her head, and then laughed again. Still, her mouth did not move except for into the disgusting smile that spread across her face.

She was gone again, but I felt hot breath against my shoulder, and then my neck.

A whisper, quiet and soft and gentle, in my ear. It spoke four words, "Not quite, my dear."

A searing pain originated at my neck but slowly spread through my veins, and I could feel each one of the tiny, lightning-shaped channels in my body as a heat burned its way through like a wildfire. A tsunami of numbness followed behind, soothing and stopping any type of feeling until my limbs fell weak and I dropped to the ground the only feeling I was still aware of being a strong throbbing at my neck and a scream tearing its way through me. Pain. Pure, animalistic pain.

Then, as I lay in a heap on the floor with my gaze fallen on her standing across the room once more, looking down at me with red around her golden eyes and deep blood trickling down her chin, her head tilted like a curious puppy's and a pout on her lips, another four words in her voice, but weaker and more pleading then before, "Do you love me?"

I shot up from the sofa with a thin sheen of sweat coating me and my chest heaving rapidly.

"Hey, hey it's okay." I heard Ally reassure me and felt a gentle hand on my arm, which I flinched away from even though, when I looked down, it belonged to Normani. As I looked around the room whilst trying to calm my breathing, I saw that Ally was crouched beside Normani at the edge of the sofa next to me, Dinah was stood behind them a little, and, when I felt her cold hand on my shin, her thumb stroking it gently, I saw that Lauren was sat at the end of the sofa with concern in her eyes and a sad pout. ... a pout.

Suddenly I saw her standing across the room again in my imagination and my attempts to calm myself down failed as quickly kicked her hands off of me, and kicked her in the side in the process, before shuffling as far as I could against my side of the sofa. I either didn't notice or didn't care for her confused expression as I clambered away from her and into the kitchen, as far from her as I could get. My hands came up to protect myself from her as all the girls followed me with their worried gazes, but my eyes were locked on hers. She's wasn't going to get to me again. Not on my watch.

"Y/n-" she tried but I shook my head quickly and all but growled at her.

"Stay right where you are! Don't-" I was cut off myself when I glanced to my right and saw my reflection, and quickly turned to face the mirror fully.

Straining my neck to see if there was a mark from where she'd hurt me, my voice quietened as I carried on, "Don't you dare try anything." I saw two blemishes, like almost healed puncture marks, in my neck with deep, plum-coloured bruises around them.

"Y/n, whatever happened was just a dream." I hear right beside me and leapt into the air with a yelp. I hadn't seen her in the mirror, but she was standing right beside me.

"No, no it was real." I denied her with another gulp and took a shaky step backwards.

"Y/n, you're hyperventilating. Please try to calm down." Normani suggested from where she now stood beside Lauren and I put a hand on my chest to find that she was right.

Then something clicked in my mind. She hadn't just hurt me, she'd bitten me.

"You- you bit me, didn't you?!" I called out as I took deeper breaths to try and slow them down.

Vampirical -- Lauren Jauregui x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now