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She asked me again for confirmation, and I quickly gave it to her. I barely managed to get my promise of wanting her to do this out of my mouth before she crashed her lips into mine. The kiss, while passionate, ended all too quickly when she dragged her lips across my jaw and down to my neck.

"I'm so sorry." She breathed out before sinking her teeth into my pulse point, making me roar in pain. I wondered, for a moment, how I'd predicted the fiery feeling spreading through each and every vein when I'd been drugged by the wolves, but quickly tossed the thought away because that feeling was minuscule compared to what I felt now.

My extremities seized up, fingers and toes curling so tightly I was surprised my bones didn't break, or maybe they did and I just didn't feel it. My calves tightened next, making it tremendously difficult for me to remain standing. Her fangs remained rooted in my neck as she gently lowered me to my knees. I knew that she wanted to stop when she reached down to hold my hand, but I also knew that that would be a Sisyphean task. I could only imagine what this felt like for her. She'd wanted- no, needed to do this to me for so long and now, it was finally happening.

That didn't distract me much from the fact that I felt like I was being burned alive, though.

My head ran cold, as did my limbs, as she continued to extract any trace of blood from my system, yet I still felt that fire running through me.

After what felt like an eternity of that torture, my screams turned to groans and I felt myself growing even weaker. We were on the floor now, her body crouching over mine as she continued drinking me dry. Her teeth, though, were now intrinsic to me, and her skin, once icy, began to feel warm and soft like tulle wherever it touched mine.

The pain was ebbing away, leaving a wake of numbness behind it as I had experienced before, but I wasn't scared anymore. I wasn't scared when she'd first injected her canines into me either, not this time. I felt... peaceful.

She put her lukewarm hand on my forehead and I soon wanted to sleep, so I did. I allowed my eyelids to droop and the last thing I heard was a small moan escaping her lips.


Lauren's POV

If anyone were to ask me how I felt right now, I would only be able to say one word. Wow.

Never, in my thousand years of this dreadful torture, had I ever tasted something so utterly... Seraphic. Divine. Incredible.

I felt like I'd found the fountain of life and drank is marvellous elixir- but then I looked down at her lifeless body, still leaking the small amount of leftover blood from the puncture wounds on her neck, and regretted everything. I'd just killed her. Sure, she'd most likely come back, but I hadn't told her that there's a chance she'd just die.

"Shit!" I should've told her! How could I not!? I knew I was completely out of it after they'd forced some poor guy's blood into me and thrown me into a room with her, but I should not have kept that from her.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! What am I supposed to do now?"

Sure, I'd drank from people before but not with the intention of bringing them back, and I'd killed them all anyway.

"Lauren?" I heard another voice call out from where the door was and instantly looked up to see Ally standing there with a shocked look on her face. The wolves must've tipped them off to our location and let them in. The wolves. What was their plan? How could this possibly benefit them?

"Ally, please help." I pleaded, looking down at my girlfriend who lay limp between my legs.

The short girl in the doorway looked between me and Y/n for a few moments before rushing into action. She gently pulled me off of her despite my reluctance, and let me lift her into my arms.

"It's okay, baby," I whispered as I planted a kiss on her forehead, which wasn't hot like it used to be for me.

It went by in a blur, Ally telling me to go back to the house and us enlisting the help of the other girls. It took the night and almost halfway through the next day for her to stir, but I sat on the floor near the sofa we'd perched her on the whole time. When I heard the rustle of cushions behind me, and instantly turned around and looked at her, but she wasn't moving. She didn't show any signs of consciousness.

"Baby?" I tried weakly, reaching out to hold her hand. It was cold, but that could mean anything. It squeezed mine, and that could only mean one thing.

"Y/n? Baby, can you hear me?" This time my voice held more hope and enthusiasm, and I kneeled up so I could see her better.

"L-Lauren?" She croaked, frowning. I couldn't help but smile.

"Yes, baby. It's me."

"I-it worked?" She questioned next, rubbing her thumb against the back of my palm.

Y/n's POV

I held her hand in mine, or at least I thought it was her hand, but it was warm. Like, human-warm.

"Yeah, it worked." She breathed out, sounding relieved.

Cautiously, I opened my eyes and looked up at her. She hovered above me slightly, and in the sunlight shielded by clouds, she looked gorgeous.

"Are you sure? 'Cause this looks a lot like heaven to me." I argued playfully, and we chuckled together until I felt an emptiness in my stomach. The corners of my vision darkened as the spaces around my eyes grew hot, and I stopped laughing abruptly, turning to her.

"Lauren?" I questioned in a calm voice, "I'm hungry."

She instantly stopped laughing and looked at me, seeming shocked at first. She called for the other girls over her shoulder, but I let go of her hand and leapt up from the sofa, breathing heavily.

My muscles tingled, and I felt incredibly light on my feet, like I could run a marathon in just a few seconds. Knowing what I am now, I probably could.

Jesus, I'm a vampire.

"Guys!" Lauren tried again, moving to stand in front of me and hold my shoulders. The breeze that followed her told me she must've moved quickly, but I watched her the whole way.

"Y/n? Listen to me, okay? You need to go to the cellar. You're not stable yet." She told me, but I pushed her off of me and shook my head, laughing slightly. As if she expected me to just go into that damn cellar willingly, especially when I had this need inside of me now.

"Ummm, no. I won't go to the cellar. I think I'll take a little walk around town instead."

Two publishes AYyyYYYyY

I got a burst of inspiration and managed to wangle more time on the WiFi so I could publish it easier.

Hope you're all doing good and enjoyed this update!!

Vampirical -- Lauren Jauregui x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now