Chapter 10

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Third Person's Point of View.

Thomas froze when he heard Lydia's scream. But he soon recovered and ran to the door. With Mark, Minho, Jorge and Brenda on his tail.

He found Lydia on the floor, crying. With Scott in his knees trying to calm her down.

"Lyds, what happened? Who did you see?" Scott asked concerned.

Lydia didn't answer. She was too busy sobbing and trying to calm herself down. And by the time Thomas saw her, she was more relaxed.

"Lydia Martin." He breathed out remembering all the memories he went with her.

She looked up and gave him a fearful look. Like, she knew what he had gone through, what he did. She was afraid of him. And it should had hurt him but it made him feel undifferent.

And Mark followed with his limp. He looked at Lydia and stepped back. A Banshee. Something that he had heard all about but never seen one. But he knew that they were bloody dangerous.

Lydia in the other hand, saw Mark with a sad and sorrowful look. Like, she was ashame of what was going to happen to him. And she knew who was the person she screamed. Because he was standing right next to her.

Minho, Brenda and Jorge came after Mark. And saw Lydia's sorrowful look. It wasn't that hard to miss, it was the only look in the whole driveway. And it wasn't like Lydia tried to hide it. Nope, she was looking at Mark with all her sadness in her look. And Mark knew that she was talking about him.

"Please, I beg you, don't go." Lydia's voice was just a broken whisper.

Thomas sighed. He didn't have any feelings for her. Not even a pinch. But he wasn't a complete asshole. Not yet.

"You know we have too." He replied.

She looked down. "You'll lose many people. Even with Scott by your side."

Thomas looked at Mark, who's expression was cold and hard. He wasn't reacting at all.

"We need to find him, Lydia. We have survived. We can survive again." He tried to reassure the young teenager.

She shook her head. "No, no. You don't understand. You might be the only one to survive."

Thomas didn't know how to react to that.

"Might. You said 'might'. That it's all I need to keep moving forward. Because many people said 'Jorge, you might die' and I'm still alive." Jorge spoke.

Lydia gave him a hard glare before turning to Mark. The one that was surely going to die. "Do you value your life?"

Scott hoped a tear, anger. Anything but what Mark actually did.

He laughed. He laughed for two minutes and had to stop because of he was going to die. When he regained his posture, he saw everyone looking at him weirdly. He gave a shrug.

"Me? Value life? Are you kidding me?! I prefer to die that to live another shitty day in the Scorch." He said trying to be serious.

Lydia didn't know Mark at all. She didn't know that Mark joked about death and pretty much didn't give a fuck about what happen to him. And his comment surprised her.

"Really? Not even a little?" She asked, hoping she would change his mind.

Mark was very stubborn. The only ones that could actually change his mind was Mary or Tina. And both were dead. So, he didn't give a fuck about changing his mind.

"I survived the first Flares and the deadly virus. I survived the Scorch. Sometimes living is harder than death. I wouldn't mind it at all. I already lost everyone I cared about. I don't have anything to lose." He gave a crooked smile.

Scott was innocent. He believed in the good in everything. He was very naive. And he never knew about what could happen in the Scorch. But in that moment, in that simple little moment, he saw someone that was just like him. In the past. Because, he didn't know Mark Winston at all. But in that moment, he saw someone that used to have a kind heart. Someone that lost a lot and used a smile on his face. Now, he saw someone that didn't care about death anymore.

"How?" Was the only word he said.

Mark gave him a smile. "Scott, I lost everything. Even my sense of humor is gone. But I haven't lost my bravery or my courage. It's all I have left."

Thomas knew that Mark spoke the truth. Back when they worked for W.I.C.K.E.D, Mark would always think of the positive side of everything. He would never joke about death and would care about everyone in his own special way. But those days were gone when Mark lost the only family he had left: Mary.

"You can't leave. I won't let you." Lydia replied.

Thomas sighed. And ran his hand through his hair. And Lydia thought for one second that Stiles Stilinski was back. But then, Thomas gave a crooked smile.

"You? You won't let me? What you going to do? Make Scott shift and tied me up to a freakin' tree?!"

Scott snarled, eyes red. "If we have to."

Thomas gave him a big glare. "Yes, because Stiles Stilinski was just a normal, defenceless, skinny boy that you wouldn't believe anything."

Scott gave a big sigh. "Donovan--."

But Thomas already pushed him and he fell on the cold cement. Thomas got on top of him, grabbed him by the collar and gave him a big punch.

"Donovan's death was Theo's fault. You trusted a kid that you hadn't even seen in years from you best friend that was almost right everytime something happened. Theo wanted me, Scott. Not you." He punched him in every word he said.

Scott in the other hand, didn't even know what Theo wanted in the first place. And with his bloody nose, he asked what Stiles meant.

Thomas gave a smile. "He came for the werecoyote, he came for the banshee, he came for the dark kitsune, he came for the beta with anger issues. And he came for Void Stiles! That was the pack he wanted."

He took out something from his pocket. It was a little dummy made of wood. He showed Scott while he smiled through the tears.

"This. This was Chuck's. He was a innocent boy, that believed when no one believed. He hoped when no one hoped. I promised him that he would give this to his parents. That he would see the the real world. And that he was going to be safe." His voice broke.

He shook his head. "Want to know what happened to him?"

Scott nodded.

"He-he died saving my life."

Thomas got off Scott and looked at the little dummy. "I promised him I would get him home. I promised him."

He looked at Scott with tearful eyes. "I won't break another promise."

He walked to the door of his house. And just as he was going to open the door, he looked at Lydia with sorrowful eyes.

"You and I are similar. We both see death and can't do anything about it."

And he went inside.

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