Deeja and Jermine had left the queen and king with the person who had the other ear ferret and then they had all eagerly teleported to the 3rd realm. But when they arrived with Clay's armies and the giants it was horrifying. They quickly began helping when suddenly they heard Crimson scream and saw a satanic red creature stabbing her. Hunter's face had drained of colour and Darya had screamed so loud it had drowned out the noise of death and fighting everywhere.
Deeja, Autumn and Jermine held off the people around Crimson and Hunter as he scooped her up and ran towards the first place of shelter he could find. They hadn't heard what had happened since.
Hunter's breathing was ragged as he ran with Crimson in his arms, he panted continuously and not because he was running, because he was terrified. He got to a little house and ran in. A elf woman was cowering in the corner with her children. "Please, help me." Hunter breathed as she took in Crimson's limp body. The woman walked over hesitantly. "My children are half-breeds and not the nice kind, if you do anything to hurt us, they'll eat you alive." Her tone shook as her light brunette ringlets moved this way and that. "Follow me." She finally said in a low voice. Hunter nodded and walked behind her.
Crimson's blood flooded his hands, it was the brightest crimson coloured blood he'd ever seen. Panic flowed through his body, she was losing so much blood. "Crimson, Crimson please wake up." He rasped.
"Put her there." The elf lady ordered, her accent, thick but sweet. She walked around a room that seemed to be an ordinary bedroom. Her short legs moved quite quickly as she fetched supplies. "What happened to her?" She asked, busying herself with unraveling bandages.
"I didn't see it all, but someone stabbed her in the stomach and her right thigh has two spikes lodged deep into it." He grimaced at his explanation. He should have been there! He should have protected her. "It doesnt seem like it was your fault young man." She said, almost like sensing his regret and anger towards himself.
"Thank you, but I should have been there with her." His throat was raw as he spoke. The elf began cleaning as much blood as she could. Then stitching and rapping up her stomach. "Her blood is very strange." She pondered.
"It's only a little brighter than normal." He answered, tapping his foot on the wooden ground rapidly.
"I've never seen anything like it. Green yes, black and blue sure, even silver. But this, it's like ripe and full of energy. What is her name?" She asked as she pulled out a spike, Crimson shifted and a whimper escaped her. Hunter stood.
"Crimson. Well she was marked as Crimson. It says it on her forehead if you shine the Jem on it." He claimed.
"Wait! You mean she's the girl in the prophecy. The Crimson Light!" The elf lady hurried her work and smiled widely. "What a brave girl." She added and pulled the last spike, a tear fell down Crimson's cheek.
"I know, one of the bravest." He muttered more to himself than to the woman.
"You love her?" The elf lady began stitching her wounds.
"More than anything." He cried.
"Don't worry, I am positive she will survive. She's still breathing. But she's lost a lot of blood." She admitted sadly. Her two little kids (one boy, one girl) watched from the doorway. They're ears were huge and they had canines bigger than Deeja's.
"Whose their father?" He asked carefully.
"He was a wolf." She slung the bandage under Crimson's thigh then started to rap it around gently.
"He died in the second half-breed war." She informed, sorrow filling her eyes as she looked up at him.
Hunter swallowed hard."What's your name?" He finally said after a long period of silence.
"I'm Fawn. That's Kale and Finn." She pointed at her daughter then son.
"Such pretty names." Hunter smiled kindly.
"What's your name, boy?" Fawn finished with the bandages. Then began clearing up her area and tipping out the bowl of blood and water. In the next room.
"Hunter." He Said shortly. She walked back out and smiled a little. "I'm finished, she can rest here until she wakes. Maybe longer if I'm feeling generous. I'll bring some food and water for her." Fawn walked out of the room and her elf-wolves followed her.
Hunter walked up to the bed and laid down beside her, moving her hair from her eyes. Her eyes fluttered open but when she tried to reach for his hand, she grunted loudly.
"Hunter." Crimson smiled happily but her voice was strained.
"What happened?"
"You were stabbed and I killed Cassava." He kissed her cheek.
"Good, that bitch had to die." Crimson gave a hollow laugh. "We have to go help the others." She tried to rise as panic came over her face.
"Rest." He kissed her pale, sweaty forehead, gripped her left hand and closed his eyes. She calmed a little and squeezed his fingers tightly then shut her eyes too.
The Jem
FantasyCrimson Waldorf might be in a land of beautiful and mystical things but her life is quite ugly in the beginning. As she fights for what she wants so dearly she bumps into unexpected situations that could change her life forever. The closer she gets...