Chapter 21// Its Okay

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Jimin yawned as he walked the school halls holding his books for his next period class.

He made his way to his English class and sat at his usual seat. Next to Hoseok.


"You know you don't have to whisper, the teacher isn't even here yet." He responded turning to the other.

"Are you okay? Is Jungkook back from being sick? Is Taehyung and Suga good now? I need the tea since nobody has texted me anything." Hoseok questioned.

"Yes. Yes. I'm not sure. Taehyung probably still hates Suga's guts but...he's going to have to deal with it since we're dating now." Jimin said unable to hold back a smile.

"Awh! Oh my god!!" He squealed making people turn his way.

He immediately turned stiff, "I'm so sorry I attracted attention..."

"Hoseok, it's alright, they can stare. I'll be fine, yesterday was a one time thing." The blonde reassured the other.

"Are you sure? Also what's up with Taehyung? I saw him walking down the hall and he looked a mess, he came to school in is he mentally okay??"

Jimin let out a soft chuckle, "he did something he regretted, that's all I can say. Just don't mention Jungkook to him unless he does first."


"Okay class! Your teacher is not here today so I would be your substitute! I honestly don't care what you do as long as your not annoying me. So go on." A deep voiced teacher said stepping into the room making his way to the desk.

"Oh thank god! Your my savior sir!" Hoseok yelled as he thanked the substitute. "He's hot isn't he?" He then whispered to Jimin.

Jimin pulled out textbooks and worksheets from his book bag leaving Hoseok confused. "Homework?"

"Yeah I didn't have time yesterday..."

The classroom door opened once again and a kid who didn't even attend the class came inside. None of the students said anything because they could care less.

Both Hoseok and Jimin were minding their business until the blonde felt a tap on his shoulder.

He placed his pencil down and turned to see the person. "Yoongi?! What are you doing here?" He exclaimed as his eyes widened.

The older between the two pulled a empty table and chair near Jimin and sat right next to him.

"I wanted to skip and I saw you had a Substitute so, here I am." He shrugged off not really caring.

"B-but! If they catch you you could get detention!" He yelled in a whisper.

"So? Don't you still have detention? If I get it I can be with you."

"Ew lovers." Hoseok sarcastically said. "I'm going to leave you two alone while I go to this hot substitute." He got up from his chair and began walking to the front. He boldly sat on the teachers desk and began talking to him.

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