I Will Always Protect You,

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"Oh my god are you okay" I cry as I run and hug my best friend tightly.

"Yes, Alyx, I'm fine, I'm fine you're causing a scene." He whispers to me

"I don't care, you could have died. A moving train Parker, what were you thinking? You Idiot" I say as I detach and punch him in the chest.

"Yeah well, I guess it was a good thing you cancelled then." Peter says as we walk down the hall towards our lockers.

"Yeah, sorry about that by the way, Stark Internship." I lie as I open my locker slowly.

"I would kill for that Internship" he mumbles as he opens his locker.

"I know you would Pete. Maybe someday you'll be an Avenger. But for right now your still just a friendly neighborhood Spiderman." I say as I take out my books for the first couple periods.

"I know. Hey Ned." Peter say as we both turn to see our other best friend, Ned Leeds.

"Know what?" He asks

"I had to cancel last night because of the Stark Internship." I said as I slowly closed my locker door, I didn't know how the metal would react after last night.

"Oh, well did you guys see the video of Spiderman stopping that train on YouTube?" Ned asks pulling the video up on his phone.

"Oh yeah I saw it this morning" I say, not wanting to watch a video of my best friend almost die.

Either way, Ned still showed Peter the video, who loved it.

"Well, I've got to go to Geometry, see ya both at lunch" Ned said as he makes his way into a classroom.

"Come on we don't want to be late to Chemistry." Peter says as he ushers me down the crowded hall. "Did you hear what happened in Lagos? So apparently the Avengers are now being monitored under the UN."

"Do you think that right? I mean they have saved the world like 1,000 times, and they're being monitored like they're criminals. You know how easily it is for a government to be corrupted," I say, thinking back to yesterday.

"Well, maybe now they won't drop so many buildings on people" Peter shrugs. My jaw clenches, it's not Peters fault I guess, I haven't told me that I know the Avengers at all.

"I guess we'll find out, the UN meeting is in a couple days." And we walk into Chemistry

During lunch I got a text from Steve

Steve: Tony, Rhodey, and Vision signed. Clint says he's retired. Natasha is signing tomorrow in Vienna. Wanda is to be determined.

Alyx: you're not signing

Steve: I can't. You know that.

Alyx: So what's going to happen to you?

Steve: I don't know. But I want you in Vienna in 2 days, over seeing the meeting. Natasha will watch over you. Can you go?

Alyx: Yes

Steve: Tony filled me in over the phone about what happened with you yesterday. He's asked me to allow you to own a suit. I think you having a little extra protection can't hurt. If you're interested stop by the Tower after school

Alyx: All right I will, thank you

Steve: no problem. I call you tonight

I closed my phone and looked back up at Peter and Ned, who were discussing Legos. While Michelle sat next to me drawing Flash when he got a D-on his test, which was quite humorous.

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