Don't make me do this

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I was woken to Peter shaking me, tears pricking his eyes. I immediately sat up and hugged him, breathing in his comforting scent. It was just a dream, it was just a dream, it didn't really happen like that.

Or did it?

Tony had told me that my reacquiring dreams were from my brain trying to deal with the trauma. My brain blocks certain memories from me so I don't go insane, which is why I barely knew my own name when I woke up in the police station the next morning. Usually only every couple of months a small memory will get added, and when I woke up I didn't remember anything. By the time Steve found me, I knew my mom was killed, that someone else had crashed the car.

And it was after Steve had told me how much he cared for Bucky when I realized the metal arm. By the time I was 11 new memories stopped coming, as far as I knew I wore my mothers ring that fell off her finger when the car she was driving crashed. A metal handed yanked her from the car and killed her, after that I remember running and then walking into the police station. Because that's the way it happened. My mom moved to the US from Norway to go to college in Missouri , where she met my father, she transferred to NYU and my father bought us a place in Brooklyn before disappearing.

The details were supposed to change, not the whole story. My mom was driving, she gets killed, I run. My name is Alyx Eriksen, my full name is Alyx Eriksen. The tattered army jacket I wear I found in an alley. I never had a dress.

It must be fake, Bucky couldn't have snapped out of being the winter soldier to save me, he wouldn't have a reason to save me.

I hadn't realized I was crying until Peter started whispering comforting hushes in my ear.

"Shh, Alyx it's okay. You're fine now. It's over, you're safe" he whispers into my hair and he smooths it down.

"It was the same dream, don't worry" I lied as I completely slumped into his chest.

"I couldn't wake you" he whispered more to himself when to me, "You were shaking, and crying and I couldn't do anything. I'm sorry"

"I love you, don't ever leave me" I mumbled into his chest.

"I wasn't planning on it"

"No, I mean don't go with Stark. Please, I've heard chatter at work and...well this is a lot dangerous then anything you've faced and I can't lose you like I lost her."

"Alyx, I have too. I need to impress Mr. Stark and he thinks I can do it so why don't you?"

"Because I have more to lose."


True to his word, Clint picked me up along with Wanda, and another guy named Scott. Steve was still hiding out in Germany and Clint had some how managed to sneak us on a plane to Berlin. Wanda and Clint got a seat in the very back with some screaming kids, while Scott and I managed to get Business class. As far as the airline knew Scott was my father and Wanda and Clint were cousins.

"So, you turn into an ant?" I asked Scott once he sat down next to me. "Or do you have like ant abilities?"

"Neither, my suit shrinks me down to the size of an ant, and I can communicate with them" He explained, "What about you? Are you the metal girl from Romania?"

"Metal girl? Yeah, I guess. I can sense and control metals to a certain degree."

"How'd that happen? Are you a mutation?"

"No, um, my friend, Spiderman, shocked me with an electrical magnets and I don't know it just happened."

"Spiderman? Can he turn into a spider or something?"

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