We All Have Our Downfalls

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I trudged alone the dark corridor, keeping my head down as the gun was pushed against my back. The dragging of my shackles sent eerie echo down the hall.

We had passed multiple rooms, all filled with people dressed in either yellow, blue, or orange. Depending on their sentence. I passed my teams cells, they called to me, yelled to me, but I kept my head down. What was I supposed to tell them? That I got arrested on purpose? That they were in here for nothing?

We passed an office that a too familiar brunette was in, once he saw me he called to me too. But as soon as I met his brown eyes I had to look away.

"I'm sorry Peter!" I yelled as a sob escaped my throat. The guard pushed his gun into my back further.

I'm thrown into a cell surrounded by other empty ones, the lights are out in them, though there is only one lightbulb in mine. I'm barely in before they shut the door and lock it.

"Where am I?" I ask the guard as I roll the heavy magnets around me wrists

"The Raft"

"I know that," I scoff "I mean why aren't I up there, with everyone else" I point towards the ceiling slightly.

"Kid, I can't tell you that, you can ask in 6 months" The guard turned to leave

"Wait! Why in 6 months?" I ask as I grab the bars

"That's your sentence, Stark pulled a couple stings for you, be grateful." The guard rolled his eyes before walking towards the other side of the hallway, he hit a button and a light went on a couple cells away from mine.

A girl was pushed up against the wall, her arms stuck against her in a straightjacket and a collar around her neck. She looked insane, like she might go crazy at any moment. But I knew she wouldn't

"WANDA!" I cried from my cell and her head ripped around to look at me. Her eyes softened and a tear rolled down her cheek when she finally decided I was real.

"Alyx!" She cried "No! No! You have to get out of here! What about Steve?"

"Wanda I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I had too..." I trailed off, tears welling up in my eyes as I shook the bars of my cell, "He was going to kill Tony...I had to I'm sorry...I let him and Bucky go...but I couldn't leave Tony... I'm sorry"

"Sweetie it's alright... We all know Steve wouldn't be able to live with himself if he had killed Tony... you saved him too" Wanda called, I wanted to hug her so badly. "Honey you're exhausted, sleep, please"

I nodded and moved to the far wall of my cell, I leaned against it, and drifted into a restless sleep.

I am woken some time later by flashing red lights, filling the whole corridor. I get up and move towards the bars, poking my head out as best as I can to see what's going on. Wanda's on her feet to, leaning against the wall to help balance her.

"What's going on?" I yelled to her over the alarm

"I can answer that" a voice from the right side of my cell yells. I turn to face the voice and my eyes widen

"What the hell are you doing Rogers?" I yelled at him

"Language" he mumbled as he inserted a key into the lock of Wanda's cell, "I'm breaking the team out..."

he trailed off at the end and mumbled something under his breathe, "What was that?" I asked

"Except you" he turned to look at me, "I can't have you a running fugitive, I already have a different, legal, plan to get you out of here"

"Steve you can't-"

"I'm sorry Prodigy," He kissed my cheek through the bars, "We all have our downfalls, and mines you. I love you like you're my daughter, and nothing will ever change that. I'm sorry"

Wanda slipped her straight jacket off and Steve prided off her collar, he turned to look at me one last time, his eyes sad and guilty, Wanda's apologetic. They start down the corridor.

"Steve wait!" I called and he turned to look at me, I bite my lip and then smiled, "I'm proud to call you my dad"

Steve smiled sadly and nodded, "I love you Alyx, get some sleep" he turned and walked towards the elevator, disappearing from my view.

I slumped back against the wall and fell asleep.

The following day I was moved to a more crowded area of the prison, after I was interrogated. I was given new magnetic restraints too, much stronger than my previous ones.

I never bothered to look up from my restraints, not for 5 days, I just stared at them, studied them.

Stark Industries was engraved on the side.

I banged the glowing magnets on the ground and finally looked up at my surrounding.

"You know most people smile in prison"

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