The Life I Took

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I woke up on a cot in the Quinjet, Bucky and Steve were sitting in the pilot seats, talking about something, both of them with a ghost of a smile on there faces.

As soon as I sat up Bucky was at my side, shhing me and pushing me back down. "Are you alright?"

"Mental or Physically?" I said as I tried to give him a small smile.

"I guess both?" he said, smiling weakly.

"I'm okay, nothing I can't handle" I said, sitting back up again.

"Look Prodigy, I know it's none of my business, but what did Peter mean? When he said..." Steve trailed off

"um, you both might want to sit down." I said as both men moved to sit cross legged in front of me.

"Alyx, do you want me to tell him?" Bucky asked, ringing his metal hand with his human one.

"um, no it's fine Buck I got it." I said as I take a deep breath and look directly into Steve's waiting gaze, "Bucky killed my mother"

A shocked look spread across his face, and Bucky hung his head. I reached forward and grabbed his metal hand, rubbing small circles on it with my thumb, though I don't know if he can feel it.

"You said, your mom died in a car-jacking." Steve said looking between Bucky and I

"I thought she did. Do you remember when we first met and you asked me where my parents were? And I said I don't know?" I said thinking back to it


"well I didn't know. Tony explained to me that I have or had a very fragile mind, and seeing something so traumatic like that at a young age caused my brain to block those memories from me, until I could handle them. It's my brain helping me cope, but for some reason it blocked to much, and I only start to remember things in dreams.

"I've told you that I've been confused about that night before, like my mother crashing the car and dying, to being carjacked. Well the day you told me about Bucky I had planned to tell you about the dream I had had that night about a man with a metal arm being the car jacker. But when you spoke of him so highly, I couldn't."

"Alyx, that was 2 years ago! You've been keeping this to yourself for 2 years!" Steve said "Is that all you can remember? Not why Bucky might have gone after your mom?"

"I didn't know, until last night" I said and Bucky gave me a confused look. "Before last night I hadn't had a dream like that in 2 years, and then last night, the dream seemed so fake. Because it was nothing like any of the other. It seemed to change the story completely, and I don't know if it's the truth."

"I might" Bucky said finally bring his head up fully, though his eyes looked like they were on the brink of tears. "you tell the story and I'll see if it triggers any memories. Alright?"

"Bucky that could be dangerous-" Steve was cut off.

"I don't care! She deserves to know about her past, about the life I took from her. So please, doll, what happened?" Bucky said with a pleading look in his eyes, he wanted to know too, anything to help him remember.

"We were in a limo, and I was dressed expensively with a tiara. My mother sat in the front with a driver, wearing this ring." I said as I gestured to it on my finger, "she was telling me to go to sleep, and then the car crashed, and flipped on it's side. She told me something, something about my father. fra stjarna, though i don't know what that means, or what language it's in. She gave me this ring and then, and then the door ripped open and my mother was grabbed and...and she died." I looked up at Bucky, "I think you're mission was to kill me too. But you didn't. You stopped and became confused, like you snapped out of whatever trance they had put you in. You used a backpack to grab a couple things from the car, and then you picked me up..."

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