The Beginning

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Callie's POV

*Beep beep beep* I role over to my side now regretting the amount of tequila I downed last night. It takes all that I have to not throw up all over my sheets. I grab my pager and groan when I see that its a 911.

When I finally find the will power to get up out of my bed I throw on a pair of dirty scrubs that were laying in the middle of the floor. when my pager sounds again I hurry out the door thanking the lord that I live right across the street from the hospital. I pull into the parking space and turned my T-Bird off and hopped out and started walking to the entrance of the E.R. I am startled when a high pitched voice breaks through, " where have you been I have been paging you."

I look up and I am stuck in place. When I recall the events from last night I finally stutter out, "I'm s-sorry, I just got in."

" where do you need me."

Arizona's POV
" nice of you to finally show up. You can head to the film room. We just took X-Rays."

Dr. Torres seems to be a little flustered. I believe that she remembers what happened last night. I was lost in my own world when we get to the room and I here her ask, " so what happened ," as she is pointing to a X-ray of a broken femur.

I look up and I can only assume that I look confused because by her next response I just wanted to run out of the room.

" so how long have you been a doctor, 13 days. Because by looks of it you have no idea what you're doing."

Callie's POV

After the words leave my mouth I automatically think Checkmate Dr. Robbins. But after I come back from my fantasy game of chess I realize that I had made a mistake.

she looked up at me and smirked, " well considering I'm in the navy scrubs and you are not, you will be doing scut for the rest of the month."

After i hear her say that my face falters and I give her the famous Torres glare.

Arizona's POV

I finally handed her the copy of the chart after an awkward minute. I ask, " what is your plan for dealing with the broken femur."

She turned and said, " seeing that it is a minor break I will put a hard cast on it and see how it is doing after a few weeks."

I nod my head in agreement and watch as she turns on her heels and walks out the door. When she is finally through the door I lean back onto the wall and think to my self, What I'm I going to do.

Callie's POV

when I make it through the door the events from last night come rushing back and all I know what to is to find mark.

I walk past the O.R board and I see that he is currently in surgery and wont be out for a few more hours. I shoot him a text to ask if he wants to go down to Joe's after work.

I take a glance at my watch and see that its lunch time so I start on my way to the cafeteria and I bump into Addison and then I say, " I thought you were leaving. why are you still here , tho I'm not complaining."

" Chief has been trying to get me to stay by offering me big and flashy surgery's and its working." she says as she looks at me.

Before I say anything my phone buzzes and I see that mark had declined my invite to Joe's because he had "plans".

when I look back up from my phone I see that Addie has taken down the hallway and was throwing her hand up waving goodbye. Before she could turn the corner I yelled,

" wait... we need to talk!"

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