Arizona...Arizona Robbins

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Arizona's POV

Tonight was supposed to be a good night, but now I'm sitting at Joe's alone. My date just stood my up, unbelievable, I mutter into my drink. I have been here for awhile now and I debated going over to a table of fellow surgeons but I thought better of it because if Dr. Baily hated me then they all hate me now, right? I don't know but I don't care , I continue to talk to my self. Seattle is some where I never thought I would see my self and the people here are weird, I mean someone just pretty much ran in here screaming a name. I glance over to my right and see a someone I believe to be Dr. Torres and then a red headed women, I don't know what they are talking about but the brunette seems to be getting upset, she just got up and I'm guessing going to the bathroom. After fighting a inner battle a say to hell with it and head after the brunette.I make it to bathroom and I don't know why but I feel the urge to say something.

"Ortho right?'' She turned and looked at me and then answered, ''Yeah. And you are?'' I stick out my hand so she can shake it.  '' Arizona...Arizona Robbins. Peds surgery.'' She was hesitant at first then finally took my hand in hers and shook it, it took me by complete and total surprise of how good it felt to be in her presence. I jabbered out, '' you know people talk. At the hospital. They really like you there and I can see why. There are people lining up for you for when your ready to get back out there.'' I finish with a dimpled smile.

Callie's POV 

I could only really focus on her smile, I swear it would light up a room. Don't get me started on her eyes I feel like I could get lost in the sea of sparkling blue. I barely register what she said, ''what do you mean there are people lining up for me. Nobody want's to be with me. Name a few.'' What she did next took me by surprise.

Arizona's POV

I don't know what went through my mind but it happened in a instant. Before I registered what I was doing I crashed my lips into hers.  It happened quickly but is was almost electrifying, I felt a surge of energy run  through my veins. After the kiss a look into her eyes and say, " I think you will know."

Callie's POV
I stood there shocked at what this women just did. After the kiss she turned around and left, did I just kiss a stranger, I say to no one but my self. I played through the events that just happened and I come to the conclusion that I indeed kissed a stranger in a dirty bar bathroom. I need a drink, so I exit the bathroom and head back over to where Addie was. As soon as I sat down the questioning began, '' what took you so long and why to you look so flustered.'' Addison got out all in one breath. I go to open my mouth to speak and she cuts me off, '' And why did a blonde walk out of there  with the same expression that you are wearing.'' When she finally finished I blushing like a school girl, '' I have no idea who that blonde is or why she was there,'' which wasn't a total lie. I finish,  '' since you are done with the interrogation, I will tell you what happened between me and Erica.¨

She looks over at me with a drink in hand and started, ¨ For some reason I think we will need this.¨ Addie hands me a shot glass and we both nod to each other and I say, ¨ Down the hatch¨ as we throw our heads back and down the drinks. ¨ You ready to tell me what happened between you and the one who shall not be named?¨ I shake my head and roll my eyes, " Since you must know, me and Erica got in a big fight and she said some things that really hurt. Apparently Christina found me out in the middle of a parking lot just standing out there and I collapse and she gets me into the hospital.¨ I finally look back at Addison and see that her mouth is agape. I chuckle at my friend and continue, ¨ It gets better. When I woke up in the hospital Baliy was there, of coarse. As soon as she was about to ask me why I ended up on her floor, guess who walks in.¨ I can barely contain my laughter because the look on Addie's face is priceless. she looks at me and goes, '' No...please tell me that Erica showed up in your room.'' I finally let out a belly laugh at eagerness in my friends voice  to finish the story. I picked up where I left off, '' As soon as she walked into my room I started screaming at her to leave and she started acting like a kicked puppy. I guess a nurse heard my screaming and called the chief down to my room." When I finish I glance over to Addison and she's just sitting there staring at me, before I could say anything else she inquired, '' now that you say that, walking by the chief's and hearing him yell at Erica makes more sense. Thinking about it, do you know where Erica is, I haven't seen her since then.'' I looked at her and dead panned, '' I haven't seen her since then either and I honestly don't care.''  When I finished I all but scream to Joe, '' We need more drinks over here!''

Arizona's POV

Did I just kiss a stranger in a bathroom, in a bar? I think to my self. I came here tonight looking to let off some steam after my first day of work. When I made it back to the booth where I was sitting  I recapped the events of the day. Today was my first day at Seattle Grace hospital, I started as head of pediatric surgery. The reason I came was not a good one, their former head of the department died. I had to work on a case with Dr.Baliy, or the Nazi, and she hated my plan to treat a long term patient of her's. She made it really clear of her hatred towards me by questioning every thing I did, especially when I mentioned the transplant list. So after that long day I decided to come down to local watering hole that is a hot spot for the doctor's, and get a few drinks and unwind from the day. That of coarse did not happen because after being in here or a few hours a dark hair beauty walks in and my brain decides it's a good idea to go and try to kiss her. Try is a understatement now because I did kiss her and she kissed back.

I need to get home because I have work tomorrow and the children don't want a hungover surgeon. As I get up I lay a few five's on the table and head home. When I finally get ''home'', it is more like a hotel, I change and go off to bed to get ready for the next day.

Callie's POV

" Okay Addie, it was nice seeing you again. I have missed you so much. Maybe I can catch you around the hospital while you're still here. I have to go, I got work in the morning, you remember what being a resident is like. See you later.'' As I'm paying Joe I ask him to call a cab for Addison, because some one has to or she will never leave. He just gives me a knowing smile before I walk out. I'am thankful that my apartment is across from the hospital, making it easier for me to get home from Joe's. When I finally make it back into my apartment I all but collapse into bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, working after drinking is no fun. As soon as I'm about to drift off into a peaceful sleep it hits me, I have to see that peds surgeon tomorrow.

Let the games begin.

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