The One Who Shall Not be Named

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Callie's point of view

''you cant leave me in the middle of a parking lot.'' I screamed at her. She starting to walk to her car, but stopped when I uttered three little words. It felt like time stopped right in that very moment, neither of us realized or paid attention to the cars that were driving by.

''we can work this out, please don't leave. I need you, I love you.'' I say struggling to get the last words out. she stopped dead in her tracks and looked back at me.

when she turned around she looked at me and laughed ,''we don't love each other. This was just a fling, this relationship was never going any where.'' By this point it started raining, typical Seattle , I felt a shiver go down my spine not just from the cold and rain but from the words she spoke next.

''why do you not understand?! I am done with you, I never loved you. You were always around, I never had my space. How stupid are you Callie, you cant even see that I hate you! You are nothing to me. I cant believe that I thought you would understand me, you know how important my work is. You held me back, you always wanted to be around me.  I don't know what I saw in you to be honest, your not that good looking, average at best. And your stupid best friend, the man whore, you always went to him instead of me. '' she paused ''I never saw a future with you and I don't want a life with you. We are through.'' Her words were laced with venom and disgust.

Trying to save what I had left of my self esteem '' I always went to mark because you were never there for me.''  When those final words left my mouth all I  could do is stand in a state of shock. The rain had pick up, by now it was pouring out. I watched as she walked away, not even looking back. This could not be happening. I'm I really such a awful person I thought. As I continued to just stand in the rain and think about my actions, I heard foot steps running up behind me, I quickly turned around and was relieved when I saw who it was.

when I turned around I asked ''what are you doing out here Christina?'' She eyed from head to toe and then said '' I was just about to ask you the same thing.''

''we need to get inside Cal before we catch something and I rather not get the flu.'' She stated in her normally sarcastic manner. Still trying to process everything she told me, I looked her in the eyes I simply stated ''I cant.''

"what do you mean you cant. Are you hurt. God Cal how long  have you been out here, you're freezing.'' she paused for a moment. ''you need to start moving now or I will drag you inside by the hair'' Christina said in jest.

At that moment I was to lost in my thoughts to even pick up what Christina was saying. The words from a couple of hours ago still swimming in my head. I looked up at Christina and all I manage to get out  before everything went black was ''Erica left.''

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