Poor baby girl

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Tessa POV
I was woken up at 1:00am to Abigail crying.She seemed very uncomfortable.So I get up look into her crib and see that she is all red and I touch her and she is super hot.I instantly freak out and I wake up Tristan.
Tristan:What happened Tess
Tessa:(panicking)We have to get Abigail to the ER
Tessa:Look at her
Tristan:(looks at her )Oh my god
They drive to the ER.They take her in 3 and a half hours later the doctor comes out
Tessa:(crying)how us she doctor
Doc:Well she had a temperature id 110.But we gave her some fluid and she is looking better now.You may take her home now if you want.
Tessa:Thanks Doc
They take her home and put her back to sleep.
Tessa POV
We just got back and I am still shaking because as a mom seeing you baby in pain like that is just heartbreaking

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