Tessa is missing Pt.2

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They arrive at Bryana's house...
They all get off of the car
Jake:I don't see Chance's car here but let's hope at least she knows something about Tessa
Chad:Yo is she married cause I don't want to get beat up by her husband because a bunch of guys are coming to her house at midnight
Tony:Yeah she is married to this guy named Alex and they have a daughter Ezra's age named Nicole but we should be fine I mean we are here for Tessa and Alex is honestly pretty cool
Chad:Oh ok
Jake:Yeah him and I go way back to vine
They knock and knock until Alex opens the door.He can barely open his eyes
Alex:What's up guys..It's 1 am(yawns)Jake???
Jake:Hey man
Alex:Hey Bro what's up
Jake:Ia Bryana home
Alex:Uhh Why??
Jake:Tessa is missing and we want to know if she knows anything
Alex:Oh hold on BABBBBEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Shes with the baby
Chad:Did we wake her the baby up
Tony:I know how that feels
Bryana then comes to the door with Sofia in her arms..Alex takes Sofia from Bryana's arms and stands next to her
Bryana:What's up Jake..Chance why are you crying are you ok
Chance cry's even more
Bryana:What's wrong
Jake:Do you know where Tessa is
Bryana:What are you talking about(begins to panic)
Jake:Well she ran out of the restaurant and she took Chance's car and Erika and Alissa called her and she told them that she was done and said goodbye to them.And we think that she is thinking of taking her own life away
Bryana:Oh my god my best friend (begins to cry and falls to the floor Alex drops down and comforts her)
Alex:Jake is it ok if we help look for her
Jake:Yeah But the baby...isn't she suppose to be asleep
Alex:It's ok We will bring everything and she can sleep in her car seat we just want to help
Jake:Well in that case of course
Alex:Ok then we will take our car and we will look on one side of town and you guys can look on the other side....2 if you guys can come with us to help
Jake:Martinez you guys go with Alex
Ivan and Emilio:Ok
They set off to look for Tessa

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