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Tessas POV
We get up super early and get ready.


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I then get ready and as Im getting ready Tristan is playing with Abigail

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I then get ready and as Im getting ready Tristan is playing with Abigail.And I start to tell him about what Megan told me and he can't believe it.I then finish getting ready and we say our goodbyes.There are tons of tears.We leave
A few hours later
Tessas POV
We made it.We walk through the doors and everything is quiet.I then see Megan
Tessa:Where is Erika
Megan:Upstairs in her room.
Tessa:Oh ok(hands Abigail to Tristan)
I'll be back
Tristan:Ok love. Good luck
Nobodys POV
Tessa heads upstairs and knocks on Erikas door and sees something bad.REALLY BAD.Tessa screams
Jake:Hey Tristan..Hey Abi
Tristan:How could you do this Jake
Tristan:To Erika
Jake:I didnt do nothing.This morning she woke up really mad at me and Iam still confused.
Tristan:Wait Wh-
Then they hear Tessa scream
Jake:What was that
Tristan puts Abigail down and runs upstairs
Tristan:(as he is running up stairs)TESSA
They make it upstairs and find Tessa crying laying on Erikas body.
Tristan:What happened.
Tessa:This(points to an empty pill bottle)
Jake:CALL 911
Tristan:On it
A few minutes later The ambulance arrives.Jake rides and Tristan and Tessa leave Abiagil with Megan.And they head to the hospital in their car.Tony and Chad ride along.
At the hospital.
They arrive and run in and see Jake in the waiting room crying.
Jake:WHAT...I don't know what happened.
Tristan:Wait Jake what do you remember from yesterday.
Jake:I remeber eating a free sample cookie from Costco.That this one girl gave to me
Tony:What....Oh my god Jake Why did you take that cookie....That was Jema.No wonder you were being so rude.You were drugged
Jake:WHAT.(crying)this is all my fault
Tessa:Its ok Jake..And Im sorry for yelling at you
Jake:Its fine I deserved it.
The doctor then comes in
Doctor:For Ms.Erika
They all get up super fast
Jake:How is she

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