Chance/Girlfriend drama

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1 month later
Erikas POV
Oliver is already one mont. Old I cant believe it.I get him ready into this

Tessas POVI wake up super happy and I dont know why so I get ready and get Abigail ready into this

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Tessas POV
I wake up super happy and I dont know why so I get ready and get Abigail ready into this

Tessas POVI wake up super happy and I dont know why so I get ready and get Abigail ready into this

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In the living room.Everyone is there but Chance.
Jake:Ok you guys so Chance is bringing his new "girlfriend" over so she can get to know us
Chances new girlfriend arrives
Chance:Guys meet Alex.Alex meet everyone(he introduces everyone)
Alex then sees Tristan and she cant get her eyes off of him
Alex's POV
I just saw a handsome man.Screw Chance.Im in love with that Tristan dude.
They hang out.Alex cant take her eyes off of Tristan.Tessa sees her and
Tessa:Excuse me(gets up from Tristans legs and heads off)
Erika:(hands Jake Oliver and runs to were Tessa went
With Terika
Erika:Tessa....Whats wrong
Tessa:(in a mad voice)That Alex girl is juat looking at Tristan.
Tessa:What if Tristan likes her better than me(beings to cry)
Erika:Oh T...Tristan has you and a daughter he wouldnt leave that for a stupid girl
Tesaa:You're right(hugs Erika)Thanks E
They head back and sit down
1 hour later
Jake:Alright guys our postmates order is here.
They get up and eat.Tessa feeds Abigail and Tristan is sitting next to her.
Chance:Hey guys...Jake can Alex move in she is an amazing babysitter.???
Jake:Sure..But she isnt on team 10 until she shows us she is worty.
Chance:Thanks bro
Tessa POV
I am really mad that Alex is moving in.She will probably try and wooo Tristan into her.Ugh.
After dinner.
Tessa:Im going to put Abigail to bed.Come on Tristan help me
Tristan:Yes ma'am
They head upstairs and put Abigail to bed.Then they come down stairs.They sit down.
Tristan:I'll be back Tess
Tessa:Where are you going
Tessa:Ok dont take long
They kiss and he leaves
Alex then gets up and follows Tristan.But no one notices.
Tristan comes out of the restroom and Alex grabs him and starts to make out with him.Tristan tries to pull away.But she doesnt let him
A couple mintues later
Tessa:Where is Tristan
Erika:I dont know.
Tessa gets up and heads to the restroom

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