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Erika:No of course not.
Tristan:Then why doea it show it here
Erika:I dont know
Tessa:Maybe he hacked you
Tessa:That guy that commented on her picture.
Erika:But wouldn't I know I. Was being hacked.
Tristan:Lets get this to the police.
Tessa:Yeah we should
Erika,Tessa and Tristan head to the police department and leave the kids with Megan.
Officer:Hello how may I help you.
Tessa:Hi...We think my My friend is being hacked
Officer:Ok let me send you to the phone hacker office....right this way
They walk in and talk to a lady
Tessa:Hi we think that my friend is being hacked
Lady:Ok may I see her phone
Erika unlocks the phone and  hands it to her.
Lady:Ok where has the hacker gotten into.
Erika:My Instagram.He or she has been.Liking his own pictures with my account.And has been sending him self messages with my account.
Lady:Ok(looks through the phone)
A few minutes later
Lady:Well that guy who goes by the name James.Has installed a spy app into your phone.So basically he can see everything you do on your phone.He can go on your Instagram,Snapchat etc.So I recommend you get a new phone.
Erika:So if I get the new phone and I keep my accounts.He wont be able to get into any of them
Lady:Yeah,He won't because that spy app was installed into your phone.So he wasnt able to get any of your personal info such as password.
Erika:Ok thanks
Lady:Oh and do you happen to know this James guy
Lady:Because in order to put this app on your phone he must of got your phone and installed it from your phone.Or did you buy a used phone
Erika:No.Maybe one of the workers at the apple store.This one worker keeped looking at me
Lady:Ok we will investigate
They leave and on the car way home.
Erika:T do you think Jake will believe me
Tessa:Of course he will.You have witnesses
Erika:You're right...Im just scared what if he stays mad at me what will I do.What will Oliver do
Tessa:He will forgive you
At the house.
Erika goes up to her and Jakes room.And she knocks
Erika:Please let me come in.
Erika goes in and
Jake:What(doesn't make eye contact with her)
Erika:I dont want you to hate me....Look Jake I went to the police and they looked through my phone and told me that someone put a spy app on my phone without me knowing.And that with that app they can access all of my accounts
Jake:(looks at Erika)What..How
Erika:They said it was probably one of the wrokers at the apple store.And the guy who assisted me keeped on looking at me.They told me to get a new phone and that they are going to investigate...And I understand if you still hate me(looks down)
Jake:I dont hate you.....Im just glad you aren't cheating on me and that everything
Erika:I would never
Jake:I love you
They have a long cute kiss.

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